AP Lang Pt 2

  1. ) ephemeral - short-lived; fleeting; transitory

  2. ) deride (derision) - to ridicule; to make fun of

  3. ) acclaim - praise; applause; admiration

  4. ) condone - to forgive; to overlook

  5. ) fanatic - one who is very devoted to a cause or an idea

  6. ) novel - new; unusual

  7. ) solemn - serious; grave

  8. ) ambivalent - undecided

  9. ) auspicious - favorable; positive

  10. ) fervor - passion; zeal; great enthusiasm

  11. ) scanty - inadequate; minimal

  12. ) dispassionate - free from passion or spirit

  13. ) pragmatic - practical

  14. ) furtive-secretive

  15. ) deference (defer) - a show of respect

  16. ) alleviate - to lighten or relieve

  17. ) scrutinize - to examine closely

  18. ) endorse - to approve of; to give support to

  19. ) conspicuous - easily seen; out in the open

  20. ) negligence - carelessness; neglect; indifference
