Chapter 7
· Review how to interpret an ABG
· Obtaining an oxygen saturation via pulse oximetry (see pg 93)
o Heart rate should match pulse on pulse oximeter!
· Noninvasive O2 delivery methods
o What method is best suited for oxygen delivery, given oxygen flow (liters/min)
o Why might you use a face tent?
· Education for patients receiving home oxygen (Box 7.1)
· With what disorders are the following auscultated breath sounds correlated? What do they sound like? (See also chapter 23.)
o Wheezing
o Crackles
o Rhonchi
· Which information does the nurse document when documenting a patient’s oxygen saturation? (pg 93)
o Vital signs including SpO2
o Oxygen therapy in use? Room air?
o Education provided to patient and family
Chapter 23
· Where does gas exchange occur?
· Know the following terms
o Ventilation
o Perfusion
o Respiration
o Hemoptysis
o Adventitious breath sounds
o Retractions
· What is the function of the following structures
o Turbinates
o Epiglottis
o Alveoli
· Asthma
o Pathophysiology
o Clinical manifestations
o Pathophysiology
o Clinical manifestations
o Risk factors
· Tuberculosis
o Pathophysiology
o Clinical manifestations
· What are the following and why would the following be ordered/performed?
o Sputum culture/study
o Thoracentesis
Chapter 24
· Influenza
o Pathophysiology
o Clinical manifestations
o Who is at high risk?
o Management/patient care
o Patient education
o Vaccination
o How long is a person infectious/contagious?
o Preventing the spread of infection (See page 482-484)
· Pneumonia
· Signs of impaired gas exchange (see page 495-496)
· Tuberculosis
o Pathophysiology
o Clinical manifestations
o Isolation precautions
· Isolation precautions
o Airborne
§ Negative airflow room
o Droplet
Chapter 25
· Rhinitis
o Pathophysiology
o Clinical Manifestations
o Treatment
§ First versus second generation antihistamines. What is the difference and what drugs fit into each category
· Rationale/mechanism of action
§ Nasal decongestants
· Rationale/mechanism of action
· Medication name
· Patient teaching
· Rhinitis medicamentosa
§ Intranasal corticosteroids
· Medication name
· Rationale/mechanism of action
· Obstructive sleep apnea
o Risk factors
o Pathophysiology
o Diagnostic study
Chapter 26
· Asthma
o Clinical Manifestations
o Pathophysiology
o Management
o Pharmacological management
§ Therapeutic effect/mechanism of classes of asthma medications
· Emphysema
o Pathophysiology
o Clinical manifestations
· Cystic fibrosis
o Pathophysiology
o Clinical manifestations
o Management
o Is it ever cured?
· Lung cancer risk factors
o Pathophysiology
o Clinical manifestations
o Types
o Risk factors
§ Leading cause
§ Other causes
o Immunization recommendations