summer of 1933 66 nations send delagets to the london economic confrence; confrence hoped to cordinate an international response to the global depression and wanted to stablize currinces and exchange rates
president roosevelt opposed the confrence because he felt it inteerfered with his economic plans to fix the AMERICAN economy
Confrence fell apart with out american support
isolationist polocies in america led to a withdraw from asia
Tydings- McDuffle act of 1934 : independence for the phillipines by 1946 because the nation didnt want to have to support the phillipines in the case of a japanese attack
1933 roosevelt formaly recougnizes the soviet union opening trade and fostering a friendship to allow trade counterbalaniceing the threat of german power in european and japanese power in asia
FDR starts the Good Neighdor Polociey- america wont interfere with latin american countries. Haiti 1943- all marienes left
released some control over Panama and Cuba when Mexican goverment seized american oil properties in 1938 FDR stuck to his word and it was resoloved in 1941
Reciporal Trade Agreement Act of 1934- designed to lower the tariffs, allowed president to lower tarriffs with a country if a country also lowered there tarriffs
SEceratary of State Hull Secceded in; negotiationg pacts with 21 countries by 1939
increase in US trade and paved the way for american led free trade in international economic system post WW2
Totaltarianism spread through Europ following the great depression ( yes it affected the whole world)
Jospeh Stalin- Communist leader of USSR and killed hundreds of thousands of political opponets to gain and mantain power
Benito Mussolini- took contral of italy in 1922
Adolf Hitler- Impulsive facist racist leader of germany took control in 1933
1936 Rome Berlin Axis- Hitler and Mussilin ally themselves
1934 japan ternimates the washinton Naval treaty accelerated and production of large naval ships
Mussolini attacked ethiopia in 1935
america remains isolated because they thought the ocean would protect them
Jhonson Dedt Default Act of 1934- prevented debt doging nations from bowworing from the US any more
Neturality acts of 1935, ‘36 ‘37 - sought to keep america out of war if the president proclaims that there is a forgien war tariffs would immeaditly go into effect to both the victum and the agressor and no American could legally sail on one of their ships, sell or transport munitions to them, or give them loans.
Angered allies and helped provoke agresoors through the lack of deterient
spanish civil war of 1936-’39 started when spanish rebels leb by facist franciscon franco rose against left wing republican goverment in madrid aided by hitler and mussilini franco overthrew the loyalist regme wich was supported by the USSR
dress rehersal for ww2 because it involved many of the same countries as the infamous war
Abraham Lincone Brigade- fought for the loyalists as a small group of americans
congress amended nuetrality to apply an arms embargo to both groups
1937 JApan invades China FDR refuses to call it a war so the nuetrality legislation didnt take affect because he didnt want to cut off mutition sales to china ( they were our friend at that point)
Japan could still buy war supplies for us though
Quarentien Speech of 1937-FDR gave the speech wich proposed economic embargos against the agressive dictators the public disliked so the plan fell threw
!937 Panny-;american ship sunk by Japan but tokyo apologized fast and USA acepted
1935 violation of treaty of versalli; hitler violates when he introduced manditory military service in germany broke it agian when he took over the german rhineland in 1936
March 1938 ; hitler invadeds australia and australia voterd for occupation so there wouldnt be a forceful take over
at a confrence in munich germany in september 1938 western european democracies said sure hitler you can have sudenland (part of checocolsovacia) in an attempt at apeasement in march 1939 he took over the rest of checkolsovacia