Concord is the agreement between parts of a sentence, essential for grammatical correctness and coherence in English.
Also known as "subject-verb agreement" or "grammatical agreement," it ensures harmony in sentence structure.
Key components of concord:
Subject and Verb (Subject-Verb Agreement)
Pronoun and Antecedent (Pronoun Agreement)
Modifier and Modified Word (Modifier Agreement)
Helping Verbs (auxiliary verbs) are used with main verbs to express meaning such as tense, mood, voice, and emphasis. Examples include:
To be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been
Example: She is sleeping.
To have: have, has, had
Example: They have finished their homework.
To do: do, does, did
Example: He did his homework.
Simple Present Tense: She works in a bank.
Present Continuous Tense: She is working hard.
Present Perfect Tense: She has finished her work.
Simple Past Tense: She worked yesterday.
Past Continuous Tense: She was studying all night.
Future Tense: She will go to the store.
It is the most crucial aspect of concord.
Person Agreement Rules:
First person: uses first-person verbs (I, we).
Example: I live in Abuja.
Example: We live in Abuja.
Second person: uses second-person verbs (you).
Example: You are nice to me.
Third person: uses third-person verbs (he, she, it, they).
Example: He lives in Lagos.
Example: She likes to listen to music.
Singular Subject: Use a singular verb.
Example: The cat sleeps.
Plural Subject: Use a plural verb.
Example: The cats sleep.
Compound Subject: Use a plural verb.
Example: John and Mary are going.
Collective Noun: Use a verb based on context.
Example: The team is playing.
Example: The police have caught him.
Simple Subject: One noun or pronoun.
Example: The dog.
Compound Subject: Two or more nouns or pronouns.
Example: John and Mary.
Complex Subject: A phrase or clause.
Example: The man who is standing.
Action Verbs (Dynamic)
Example: Run, jump.
Linking Verbs (Stative)
Example: Be, seem.
Singular subject takes singular verb; plural subject takes plural verb.
Collective nouns can take singular or plural verbs based on meaning (contextual).
Example: The team is/are playing.
Example: The police have caught him.
A plural subject with a singular meaning takes a singular verb:
Example: The premises has been taken over by weeds.
A compound subject functions as plural, taking a plural verb:
Example: Taiwo and Kehinde are my friends.
A compound subject with a singular meaning takes a singular verb:
Example: Rice and Beans is good for lunch.
Phrases such as "as well as" or "together with" do not affect the verb number:
The governor is on tour.
This matter has been giving me concern.
Indefinite pronouns are singular and take singular verbs. Examples:
Everybody is aware of the rule.
Length of time or money is treated as a unit, taking a singular verb:
Example: Three hours is not enough.
Measurement units also take singular verbs.
Example: Twenty-two metres was trekked.
Depending on context, a collective noun may take singular or plural verbs.
Example: The audience is attentive.
Exceptions include indefinite and collective pronouns.
Example: Everyone is invited.
Exercises may include correcting subject-verb agreement errors or tense consistency issues.
Tense consistency implies maintaining the same verb tense throughout a text or sentence.
Importance of Tense Consistency:
Clarity in communication.
Coherence in idea connections.
Improved narrative style.
Tense Switching: Unnecessary change of tense within a text.
Example: I was studying, but now I go.
Inconsistent Verb Forms: Mixing different tenses improperly.
Example: I have been studying for three hours, but now I study.
Identify the dominant tense.
Use transitional words for idea connections.
Proofread for verb consistency.
Write paragraphs maintaining consistent tense.
Concord in English grammar is the key to effective communication and clear expression. Understanding concord rules allows speakers and writers to articulate ideas accurately.
What is concord in the English language?
Answer: B) Agreement between subjects and verbs
Identify the sentence violating subject-verb concord.
Answer: C) The cat sleep on the bed.
Identify the concord type in Each of the students has a book.
Answer: A) Singular-plural concord
Find the error in The team are playing well.
Answer: B) Subject-verb concord error
Demonstrate correct pronoun-antecedent concord.
Answer: B) Each student brought his book.
The use of 'they' and 'their' to avoid gender bias.
A list of foundational and modern English grammar texts to further explore subject-verb agreement and related rules.