University Name: University of Mine and Technology Tarkwa
Faculty: Faculty of Mineral Resources Technology
Department: Mining Engineering Department
Course: BSc Programme
Course Code: EL/MC/ES/PE/CE/RN 459
Course Lecturer: Dr. Bright O. Afum, P. Eng., MAusIMM (CP)
Compiled by: Assoc. Prof. Victor A. Temeng
Date: January 2024
Course taught through lectures with limited hand-outs.
Importance of attending lectures, reading references, and completing assignments on schedule.
Tutorials: Problem-solving integrated with lectures to demonstrate applications of theories/models.
Assignments: Quizzes for each topic to consolidate understanding.
Final Mark Composition:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Quizzes and Assignments: 30%
Attendance: 10%
Final Examination: 60%
James E. Shambin and Steves, G.T., Jr. (1974). Operations Research – A Fundamental Approach.
Ackoff, R.L. and Sasieni, M.W. (1968). Fundamentals of Operations Research.
Hillier and Lieberman (1992). Introduction to Operations Research.
Theifrauf, R.J., et al. (1985). Management Science: Model Formulation Approach with Computer Applications.
Battersby, A. (1979). Network Analysis: for Planning and Scheduling.
Smith, D. (1973). Linear Programming Models in Business.
Pegden, C. D., et al. (1995). Introduction to Simulation Using Siman.
Taylor, B. W. (1982). Introduction to Management Science.
Winston, W. L. (1994). Operations Research – Applications and Algorithms.
Krajewski, L. J. and Thompson, H. E. (1981). Management Science: Quantitative Methods in Context.
Prepare students as engineers using Operations Research (OR) scientific approach for problem-solving.
Equip students with OR skills for objective managerial decision-making.
Introduce basic OR concepts and techniques.
Encourage the use of OR techniques for industrial problem-solving.
Understanding of OR concepts and methodologies.
Ability to analyze and solve problems using OR methods.
History of Operations Research
Nature of Operations Research
Modelling Approach in Operations Research
Model Formulation
General Form of the Linear Programming Model
Properties of the General Linear Programming Model
Solving Linear Programming Problems
Graphical Interpretation of Linear Programming
Special Cases of the General Linear Programming Problem
The Simplex Method
The Simplex Method in Application to a Maximisation Problem
The Minimisation Problem
A Mixed Constraint Problem
Negative Variables
Other Complications and their Resolutions
The Two Phase Simplex Method
Economic Interpretation of the Primal
Dual Form of a Linear Programming Model
Economic Interpretation of the Dual Form
Exceptions to the Primal Dual Relationship
Sensitivity Analysis
Changes in the Right-Hand-Side (bi) Values
Changes in Objective Function Coefficients
Computer Solution of Linear Programming Problems
The Balanced Transportation Problem
Initial Solution Methods: Northwest Corner and Vogel’s Approximation Method
The Stepping Stone Method
Modified Distribution Method
The Unbalanced Transportation Problem
Multiple Optimal Solutions
A Maximisation Transportation Problem
The Hungarian Method
Unequal Supply and Demand
Types of Simulation Models
The Simulation Process
Stochastic Simulation
Simulation of a Queuing System
A Random Process Generator
Generating a Random Variate with a Probability Density Function
Analysis of Simulation Output
Terminating and Non-terminating Systems
Constructing Confidence Intervals on the Mean
Simulation Languages
Components of CPM/PERT Network and Precedence Relationships
Activity Scheduling
Uncertainties in Activity Times (PERT)
Project Crashing
Integer Programming Solution Methods
Rounding Approach
Branch-and-Bound Method
Integer Programming Applications
Additional detailed examples and exercises are provided for each concept in the course.