AP Human Geography Revision

Unit 2 Population and Migration patterns and processes

Population geography → Geodemography

  • doubling time:concept related to population growth. It refers to the number of years it takes for a population to double in size

  • Total Fertility Rate (TFR): average number of children born to a woman over her entire life

  • Crude birth rate (CBR): is the number of live births per 1,000 people in a given population per year → should take number of live births in a year divide to population and multiplied to 1000

  • difference between crude birth rate and crude death rate is natural increase rate

what determines natural rate increase?

  • economic development: quality of healthcare, employment opportunities…

  • education: use of contraception, populations with high education level has low level of birth rate

  • gender empowerment: status and opportunities for women

  • cultural traditions

  • public policy → one child policy

  • to predict how much population will grow, population demographers use basic formula called c → total population +/- natural increase +/- net migration = balanced population.

    graphic accounting equation

Human migration

long term move of a person from one political jurisdiction to another

  • people who leave their homelands to live in another country are said to be emigrate

  • people who move into a country immigrate

reasons that cause people to migrate:

  • political issues: oppressive regimes

  • economic factors: job opportunities, cost of living. 20th century many European immigrated in east coast of America.

  • environmental issues:for example Ethiopia, people migrate in search of more fertile land

  • cultural issues: jews after WWII relocated in Israel.
