Bitumen or Asphalt
Bituminous Mix or Asphalt Mix
Petroleum product obtained by the distillation of petroleum crude (fractional distillation).
By-product of crude oil refinery.
Produced from coal through destructive distillation (applying high pressure and temperature).
Asphalt Emulsion
Asphalt Cutback
Foamed Asphalt
A suspension of small asphalt cement globules in water assisted by an emulsifying agent (like soap).
Function of Emulsifying Agent
Imparts an electrical charge to prevent globules from coalescing.
Reduces asphalt viscosity for lower temperature applications (e.g., tack coats, fog seals, slurry seals, bituminous surface treatments, stabilization).
Anionic (negatively charged asphalt droplets).
Cationic (positively charged asphalt particles).
Main Components
Other Components (e.g., water, emulsifier)
Mixed using a colloid mill and heater.
A combination of asphalt cement and petroleum solvent.
Reduces viscosity for lower temperature uses (similar to emulsions).
Curing Process
The petroleum solvent evaporates after application, leaving behind asphalt cement residue.
Created by combining hot asphalt binder with small amounts of cold water.
Cold water turns to steam upon contact with hot asphalt, forming bubbles.
High volume foam with approximately 10 times more coating potential than liquid asphalt.
Thin-film state lasts only for a few minutes before reverting to original properties.
Binder in soil or base course stabilization, full-depth asphalt reclamation.