Here is the full 50-question multiple-choice study guide based on your Exam 1 Study Guide:
COMM 200 Exam 1 - Multiple Choice Study Guide
Basic Elements in Communication
1. Which of the following best defines communication?
a) A process where individuals use symbols to create and interpret meaning.
b) A one-way transmission of information.
c) A method used only for persuasion.
d) The physical exchange of words.
Answer: a
2. What is the key difference between the linear and transactional models of communication?
a) The transactional model allows feedback, while the linear model does not.
b) The linear model includes nonverbal communication.
c) The transactional model is only used in face-to-face communication.
d) The linear model assumes both participants are senders and receivers.
Answer: a
3. Which of the following is NOT a source of noise in communication?
a) Semantic
b) Psychological
c) Physiological
d) Logical
Answer: d
Symbols in Communication
4. Symbols are considered arbitrary because:
a) Their meaning is universally agreed upon.
b) They naturally resemble the object they represent.
c) There is no inherent connection between the symbol and its meaning.
d) They always have only one fixed meaning.
Answer: c
5. The word “dog” represents the concept of a pet, but nothing about the word itself inherently connects it to the animal. This is an example of symbols being:
a) Abstract
b) Arbitrary
c) Ambiguous
d) Concrete
Answer: b
Theories and Paradigms
6. A theory helps to:
a) Describe, explain, predict, and control communication phenomena.
b) Provide personal opinions about human behavior.
c) Test technological advancements.
d) Create new forms of language.
Answer: a
7. The empirical/post-positivist paradigm in communication research assumes:
a) Reality is subjective and shaped by individuals.
b) Truth is objective and can be discovered through scientific methods.
c) Communication is primarily a social construction.
d) Power dynamics are the most important aspect of communication.
Answer: b
8. The critical paradigm in communication research focuses on:
a) Scientific data collection.
b) Predicting human behavior through experiments.
c) Analyzing power, oppression, and social issues.
d) Understanding how individuals create personal meaning.
Answer: c
Nonverbal Communication
9. Which of the following is an example of an analogic code?
a) The word “cat” representing a feline.
b) A digital clock displaying 3:00 PM.
c) A thumbs-up gesture.
d) The phrase “I am happy” written in text.
Answer: c
10. The channel approach to studying nonverbal communication:
a) Examines multiple nonverbal behaviors at once.
b) Studies each nonverbal cue in isolation.
c) Ignores how nonverbal and verbal cues interact.
d) Focuses only on body language.
Answer: b
Perception and Attribution
11. The Fundamental Attribution Error occurs when:
a) We attribute others’ behavior to their personality rather than external factors.
b) We assume our own actions are based on personality, not context.
c) We consider situational factors before judging someone.
d) We give others the benefit of the doubt.
Answer: a
12. The self-fulfilling prophecy happens when:
a) Someone’s expectations influence their behavior, leading the expectations to come true.
b) People base judgments on stereotypes.
c) An individual manages their image to impress others.
d) A person changes their beliefs frequently.
Answer: a
13. The halo effect refers to:
a) The tendency to judge a person based on one positive trait.
b) The belief that people are naturally good.
c) The assumption that first impressions are always correct.
d) The process of reducing uncertainty in new relationships.
Answer: a
Interpersonal Communication Theories
14. According to Uncertainty Reduction Theory, which of the following is NOT a strategy to reduce uncertainty?
a) Passive observation
b) Active information-seeking
c) Avoiding the person completely
d) Direct interaction
Answer: c
15. Social Penetration Theory compares self-disclosure to:
a) An onion with multiple layers
b) A bridge that connects people
c) A tree that grows over time
d) A maze with different paths
Answer: a
16. The depth of self-disclosure refers to:
a) The number of topics discussed in a relationship.
b) The level of intimacy in conversations.
c) The length of a conversation.
d) The formality of an interaction.
Answer: b
Online Communication and Social Information Processing
17. The Hyperpersonal Perspective suggests that online relationships can be:
a) Less personal than face-to-face relationships.
b) More intimate than in-person relationships due to selective self-presentation.
c) Impossible to develop emotionally.
d) Limited to professional interactions.
Answer: b
18. Which type of online information has the highest warranting value?
a) A self-written biography on a social media profile.
b) A third-party review about a person.
c) A personal blog post.
d) A status update written by the individual.
Answer: b
Social Exchange and Privacy Management
19. The rule of distributive justice states that:
a) People should receive rewards proportional to their contributions.
b) Rewards should be distributed equally among everyone.
c) People should receive more rewards than they give.
d) Costs should outweigh rewards in relationships.
Answer: a
20. A boundary linkage in Communication Privacy Management Theory refers to:
a) The rules people create for revealing or concealing private information.
b) The agreement between co-owners about who else can know private information.
c) The act of intentionally breaking confidentiality.
d) The consequences of boundary turbulence.
Answer: b