sussy bio terms

  • chargaff’s law

  • pcr stuff

  • transformation

    • a bacterium takes up a piece of DNA floating in its environment.

  • transduction

    • , viruses that infect bacteria move short pieces of chromosomal DNA from one bacterium to another "by accident."

  • enveloped viruses

    • viruses encased by a chunk of host cell membrane as they bud out of the cell, similar to exocytosis

  • conjugation

    • DNA is transferred from one bacterium to another. After the donor cell pulls itself close to the recipient using a structure called a pilus, DNA is transferred between cells. In most cases, this DNA is in the form of a plasmid.

  • transposable elements

    • chunks of DNA "jump" from one place to another within a genome, cutting and pasting themselves or inserting copies of themselves in new spots

  • binary fissin

  • translocational chromosomal mutation
