The Rebellion of Hereward in the East and the end of English resistance
Easter 1070- William had his second coronation in Westminster Abbey
Church and warfare
William ordered the building of Battle Abbey on the grounds of the Battle of Hastings → completed in 1094 after his death (alternative to paying penance for all the people that he had killed)
Church resistance and reform
Ativan’s was replaced as Archbishop of Canterbury and Archbishop Lanfranc took his position- Italian priest who had served many years in Norman monasteries
Other senior Church leaders were replaced with Norman monks and priests
William ordered all monasteries should provide men or money to serve the king as knights
Hereward and the resistance at Ely
William ordered a search if all monasteries- taking all the hidden wealth and treasure→ funds to pay off mercenaries and send them home
Ely was an island that stood a few metres above the marshland (Fens)
June 1070- overrun by Danes → lead by Asbjorn (brother of the Danish king)
King Svein arrived in May with reinforcements → no resistance from the English as they hoped the Danes would overthrow William
2 June 1070- Hereward raided Peterborough - burning houses and taking gold and silver → planned when he heard there was going to be a new Norman abbot
he presented the treasures to the Danes to thank them for fighting the Normans
Hereward had carried out other successful attacks against the Normand in East Anglia and Lincolnshire
strong and well-protected base at Ely
Easter 1070- William had his second coronation in Westminster Abbey
Church and warfare
William ordered the building of Battle Abbey on the grounds of the Battle of Hastings → completed in 1094 after his death (alternative to paying penance for all the people that he had killed)
Church resistance and reform
Ativan’s was replaced as Archbishop of Canterbury and Archbishop Lanfranc took his position- Italian priest who had served many years in Norman monasteries
Other senior Church leaders were replaced with Norman monks and priests
William ordered all monasteries should provide men or money to serve the king as knights
Hereward and the resistance at Ely
William ordered a search if all monasteries- taking all the hidden wealth and treasure→ funds to pay off mercenaries and send them home
Ely was an island that stood a few metres above the marshland (Fens)
June 1070- overrun by Danes → lead by Asbjorn (brother of the Danish king)
King Svein arrived in May with reinforcements → no resistance from the English as they hoped the Danes would overthrow William
2 June 1070- Hereward raided Peterborough - burning houses and taking gold and silver → planned when he heard there was going to be a new Norman abbot
he presented the treasures to the Danes to thank them for fighting the Normans
Hereward had carried out other successful attacks against the Normand in East Anglia and Lincolnshire
strong and well-protected base at Ely