Here are definitions for each of the words you provided:
1. Dank – Unpleasantly damp, musty, and cold.
2. Palpable – So intense as to be almost felt physically; easily perceptible or noticeable.
3. Indolently – Done in a lazy or idle manner, avoiding activity or exertion.
4. Doggedly – With persistent effort or determination; stubbornly tenacious.
5. Vitality – The state of being strong, active, and full of life; energy or vigor.
6. Crags – Steep or rugged cliffs or rock faces.
7. Opaqueness – The quality of not allowing light to pass through; not transparent or translucent.
8. Fringed – Having a border or edge, often with decorative trimming or loose threads.
9. Floundered – To struggle or stagger clumsily in mud or water; to struggle mentally.
10. Quarry – A place from which stone or other materials are extracted; also refers to prey being hunted.
11. Bleak – Lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements; cold and miserable; hopeless.
12. Palatial Château – A large, grand, and luxurious mansion or castle, often in the French style.
13. Mirage – An optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, often seen in deserts; something illusory.
14. Menacing – Threatening or suggesting the presence of danger.
15. Cultivated – Refined, polished, and well-educated; having good taste or manners.
16. Aristocrat – A member of the highest class in society, often hereditary nobility.
17. Cossack – A member of a people from Southern Russia and Ukraine, known historically for their military prowess.
18. Baronial – Relating to a baron or barony; grand or imposing, as if resembling the house of a baron.
19. Surpassingly – To a degree that exceeds others; extraordinarily.
20. Debacle – A sudden and disastrous failure; a fiasco or collapse.
21. Imprudent – Not showing care for the consequences of actions; rash or unwise.
22. Cunning – Skill in achieving one's ends through deceit or evasion; cleverness in a deceitful way.
23. Ceased – To stop or come to an end.
24. Surmounted – To overcome a difficulty or obstacle; to stand on top of.
25. Scruples – A feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action.