1. absenteeism - when a worker is absent from work without a “good” reason

  2. extrinsic motivation - desire to work based on a possible reward or threat

  3. hygiene factors - factors in the work environment that influence employee satisfaction

  4. intrinsic motivation - desire to work due to enjoyment of the work or internal satisfaction

  5. job enlargement - additional similar duties are added to a job

  6. job enrichment - job is redesigned to provide more challenging tasks

  7. job rotation - employees switch regularly from one duty to another (a form of enlargement)

  8. Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs” - physiological, security, social, esteem, self-actualization

  9. performance-related pay - pay is linked to achievement of set targets, like sales figures

  10. piece rate - employee is paid according to the quantity of units produced

  11. collective bargaining - negotiation between an employer and its workers’ trade union

  12. culture - the values, attitudes, and beliefs of employees; or what is “normal” in a business

  13. Handy’s “Gods of Management” - power culture, role culture, task culture, person culture

  14. Hofstede’s “National Cultures” - six ways cultures often differ around the world

  15. Schein’s Culture Model - 1) artifacts, 2) norms and values, 3) underlying assumptions

  16. strike - the workforce refuses to work until certain workplace conditions are met

  17. trade union - organization of workers aiming to protect and improve working conditions

  18. communication - the transfer of information between stakeholders

  19. feedback - response to communication that may confirm receipt and comprehension

  20. formal comm. - info is exchanged using official channels, like an annual general meeting

  21. horizontal comm. - info is exchanged between parties at the same level in the organization

  22. informal comm. - info is exchanged using unofficial channels, such as at social events

  23. one-way comm. - info is passed in a single direction, with no feedback

  24. vertical comm. - info is exchanged between parties at different levels in the organization

  25. two-way comm. - info is passed up and down, or outside and back into, an organization
