Discussion begins with participants: Christine, Heidi, Shannon, Angus, and Ryan joining.
Preference for all participants to have cameras on for engagement, despite some technical issues encountered by the facilitator.
Mention of issues with the camera as the facilitator works on a laptop. Reference to difficulties experienced when using older or less functional equipment.
Typographical Error Identified: Shannon raises a concern about a typo in the readings for Topic Two, specifically mentioning the confusion caused by incorrect page numbers.
It was noted that one of the readings erroneously lists a year (2018), which is acknowledged as a mistake.
The facilitator promises to clarify the correct readings and pages for everyone involved.
Shannon finds that the online text indicates different reading page numbers than what is actually in the physical book, leading to confusion over where to find necessary material. The facilitator acknowledges this confusion and agrees to investigate.
References to topic one pages being out of sequence is discussed, with the facilitator committing to track down and clarify the material.
The facilitator emphasizes that although students are encouraged to read specific pages, they have outlined which sections to focus on to streamline study efforts.
Lecture Slides as a Resource: Students are advised to go through the lecture slides first as they are tailored to directly support understanding of the topic questions, providing assumed prior knowledge for context.
Discussion about how some topic questions relate to earlier sections of the chapters, potentially leading to further confusion for students.
Students are encouraged to post their questions on the discussion board for guidance, allowing the facilitator to review and clarify where necessary.
Explanation of navigating the digital platform for accessing course materials, including the reading list, lecture slides, and additional resources.
Use of screen sharing to walk students through materials was initiated, showing students how to locate and manage the content effectively.
The facilitator demonstrates the structure of data input versus output sections within assignment contexts, emphasizing clear layout for potential Excel submissions.
Data Input: Expected to contain all known values.
Data Output: Intended to display results without user input directly into the output fields.
Students are encouraged to practice good habits in Excel throughout their assignments, such as keeping organized, clear data formats, and avoiding unnecessary complications.
The facilitator emphasizes the significance of consistent formatting for data in Excel. This includes proper comma placement for thousands and maintaining straight forward labeling within documents.
Reference to common mistakes students make and the confusing result of data not being entered correctly into the system was underlined during the discussion.
Continuous invitation for students to ask questions and clarify doubts throughout the process. The facilitator encourages engagement with their peers and speaking up when terminology or concepts are unclear.
Discussion of complex terms like "work in progress" and instructions to flag uncertainties as they arise.
Encourage students to share drafts and guidance with each other as they work on assignments to foster collaborative learning.
Reconfirmation of the purpose of resource materials in enhancing understanding rather than merely serving as direct answers or shortcuts.
End of current item discussion leads into a general check-in on whether students prefer to continue with a quick summary of the next topic materials or if they would like the facilitator to directly engage with the reflection task related to their learning experience.
Participant input is sought regarding time investments and preferences for future discussions.