Answer: The Stock Market Crash of 1929, bank failures, overproduction, and the Dust Bowl.
Answer: A series of programs by FDR to provide relief, recovery, and reform during the Great Depression.
Answer: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insures bank deposits to prevent bank runs.
Answer: It created a pension system for the elderly and provided unemployment insurance.
Answer: It believes that government spending can stimulate the economy during a recession.
Answer: The government expanded its role in economic regulation and providing welfare programs.
Answer: Cuts in government spending and tighter monetary policies by the Federal Reserve.
Answer: WWII led to full employment, the GI Bill, and changes in social roles (e.g., women in the workforce).
Answer: A significant increase in births after WWII, leading to demographic shifts and changes in family life.
Answer: A strategy of allowing Nazi Germany to expand without intervention to avoid war.
Answer: The metaphorical division between Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe and Western democratic nations.
Answer: Leaders agreed to divide Germany into zones and create the United Nations.
Answer: The division of Germany was confirmed, and tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union increased.
Answer: The Soviets took control of Eastern Europe, setting up communist governments.
Answer: A policy to support countries resisting communism with military and economic aid.
Answer: U.S. aid to rebuild Europe and prevent the spread of communism.
Answer: The Soviet Union blocked access to West Berlin, and the Allies responded with the Berlin Airlift.
Answer: The strategy to prevent communism from spreading to new countries.
Answer: The U.S. and Allies flew supplies into West Berlin to break the Soviet blockade.
Answer: Kennan argued for containment of Soviet communism through diplomacy and military deterrence.
Answer: Southern Democrats who opposed Truman’s civil rights agenda in 1948.
Answer: To end racial segregation and discrimination and ensure voting rights for African Americans.
Answer: Truman’s program to expand New Deal policies and promote civil rights and economic security.
Answer: The anti-communist hysteria led by Senator Joseph McCarthy, accusing people of being communist without evidence.
Answer: Muslims faced increased discrimination and surveillance but became more active in advocating for civil rights.
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