body organization chapter 2 word roots
Word Roots Outline
Prefixes and Roots
abdomin: abdomen
adip: fat
anter: front
brachi: arm
cardi: heart
caud: tail
cephal: head
cervic: neck
chondr: cartilage
crani: skull
Functions and Secretions
Body Regions
crur: leg
cyt: cell
dermat: skin
dist: away from
dors: back of body
enter: small intestine
epitheli: epithelium
gastr: stomach
glute: buttock
gynec: woman/female
hemat: blood
hist: tissue
immun: protection
infer: below
laryng: voice box
later: side
lumb: loin
lymph: lymph
medi: middle
muscul: muscles
nephr: kidney
neur: nerve (singular)
ophthalm: eye
ot: ear
pelv: pelvis
peritone: peritoneum
pluer: pleura
poster: back
proct: rectum and anus
proxim: near to
pub: genital region
pulmon: lung
rhin: nose
spin: spine
super: above
thorac: chest
ur: urine
vascul: blood vessel
ventr: belly
vertebr: vertebra
viscer: internal organ