random word formation

1. Her ongoing support was implied from the tone of her voice. (IMPLY)

2. Detracting from the historic significance of the site, the tacky souvenir shops offended the sensibilities of the more discerning visitors. (SENSE)

3. The statue symbolically represented the nation’s independence. (SYMBOL)

4. An undercurrent of envy prevented them from developing a closer relationship. (CURRENT)

5. It’s a(n) interactive tour that allows visitors to get involved in the different aspects of the production line. (ACT)

6. She couldn’t go on holiday with Jonathan; they had too much emotional baggage. (BAG)

7. Scientists believe that one day interplanetary travel to distant stars might be possible. (PLANET)

8. Cafés nowadays have Wi-Fi hotspots. (HOT)

9. In large cities where many different people live side by side, multiculturalism is the rule. (CULTURE)

10. The scientist’s background was in engineering. (BACK)
