Central Nervous System (CNS): "Core control" – brain and spinal cord.
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): "Peripheral pathways" – connects CNS to the body.
Sensory Neuron: "Senses signal" – carries info to CNS.
Motor Neuron: "Motor moves" – sends commands to muscles/glands.
Interneuron: "Internal link" – bridges sensory and motor neurons.
Neuron: "Neural unit" – the basic nerve cell.
Cell Body (Soma): "Support hub" – holds the nucleus.
Dendrite: "Data branches" – receive signals.
Axon: "Action line" – sends signals away.
Myelin Sheath: "Speed layer" – speeds up signal transmission.
Node of Ranvier: "Signal jump" – gaps in myelin for faster conduction.
Axon Terminal (End Buttons): "Signal stop" – releases neurotransmitters.
Synapse: "Signal space" – where neurons connect.
Presynaptic Membrane: "Pre-release" – sends neurotransmitters.
Postsynaptic Membrane: "Post-receive" – receives neurotransmitters.
Synaptic Vesicle: "Signal pack" – stores neurotransmitters.
Neurotransmitter: "Neural messenger" – chemical signal carrier.
Reuptake: "Recycle it" – reabsorbs neurotransmitters.
Enzymatic Deactivation: "Chemical cleanup" – breaks down neurotransmitters.
Resting Potential: "Ready to fire" – neuron at rest.
Action Potential: "Signal spike" – an electrical impulse.
Depolarization: "Less negative" – signal activation phase.
Hyperpolarization: "More negative" – inhibits firing.
Threshold of Excitation: "Trigger point" – voltage needed to fire.
All-or-None Law: "Full send or none" – fires completely or not at all.
Astrocyte: "Star helper" – provides nutrients and cleans debris.
Oligodendrocyte: "Many myelin maker" – creates myelin for CNS axons.
Schwann Cell: "Single wrapper" – creates myelin for PNS axons.
Microglia: "Tiny cleaners" – removes waste and fights invaders.
Sodium-Potassium Pump: "Ion balancer" – maintains neuron charge.
Ion Channel: "Selective gate" – allows ions to pass through.
Electrostatic Pressure: "Charge attraction" – opposites attract, likes repel.
Diffusion: "Spread out" – molecules move to lower concentration.
Ligand: "Lock key" – binds to receptors.
Ionotropic Receptor: "Fast gate" – directly opens ion channels.
Metabotropic Receptor: "Signal relay" – triggers a slower chain reaction.
G-Protein: "Message helper" – relays receptor signals.
Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential (EPSP): "Go signal" – excites neuron to fire.
Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential (IPSP): "Stop signal" – inhibits neuron from firing.
Neural Integration: "Sum it up" – combines inputs to decide firing.This process is crucial for determining whether the neuron reaches the threshold potential necessary for action potential generation.