The Golden Definition: “sound organized in time”
Amplitude - determines decibel level (loudness)
Pitch - highness/lowness of sound (multiple frequencies per pitch)
Timbre - unique sound of instruments based on strength of overtones, resonance, and material
Range - the highest and lowest notes possible
Modern Pop Music - intro, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, bridge, and chorus, with an optional outro
Aspects of sound:
Enharmonic Pitch - 2 notes of different notations that sound identical
in musical notaton:
interval = distance between 2 pitches
smallest → largest
12 pitches
Tonic - “resting note”, “do”
Dominant - pulls melody away from the tonic, the second most important pitch
Unstable leading note - half step below the tonic, “resolves’ to the more stable tonic
Major Scale:
7 different pitches
May start with any note; 12 different scales
Minor Scale:
3 types -
Blue Scale - both major and minor characteristics
Relate major and minor scales have the same intervals but different tonics
Parallel scales start and end with the same pitch
Melody and Harmony:
Harmonic - same pitches same time
Melody: sounds in succession
Transposed Melody - starts and ends on different notes but the intervals are the same
Contour - a Melody’s shape or profile
set of durations
layers of music
Time Signatures
meter of each measure
meter: organizes beats into groups
top number : beats per measure
bottom number : length of beat
compound meter (ex. 6/8) - divdes the meter into 3
top number - subdivisions per measure
bottom number - length of subdivisions
speed of beat
starting and ending sound
3+ simultaneous pitches
inverted chord = smoother voice
3 notes, 2 intervals
inverted triad:
4 types of triads in Western music
chord progression = series of triads
The Circle of Life Fifths
relationship between major keys
Roman Numerals:
capital numeral (I V, etc.) - major
lowercase numeral (i, iii) - minor
overall organization of musical piece + theme representation
Cadences - musical resting piece
Fake-out - technique using imitation
Sonata Form
sonata cycle -
Fast Sonata > slow ternary > fast sonata/ rondo
20th Century Developments:
12-tone method to differentiate pitches (Schoeburg)
classify noises (russulo)
electric instruments
Music highlighting bodies of water
National Monuments and Landmarks:
Ferde Gorfe
Grand Canyon’s Suite by Grofe:
“On The Trail”:
program - explanation of stoy
story: a traveler and his burro traveling along Bright Angel Trail
“hee-haw” sound -
disjunt major seventh interval
concerto genre: soloist + orchestra
soloist - Kurk Dieterle
cadenza: soloist begins to play as orchestra stops
Timpan - drumroll; striking strongly
Arpeggio - playing a code 1 note as a time; harp
Entre Ensemble -
Fermata - sustaining pitch for extra time
Rondo form - ABACA pattern
Percussions -
coconut shells - leather to muffle sounds
imitate hooves
Celesta -
small percussion by keyboard
bell-like sounds
Stormy Weather
Baroque era - operas
Classical era - symphonies (multiple instruments)
Romantic - depictions of storms
Beethoven -
dissonant D-F
tremolo - trembling pitch for cello/string basses
inspired Cloudworks and Fantasia
Toru Takemitsu
Western and Asian influences
sawari - japanese technique to mimic nature sounds
Water-scape Cycle
Ame no ki (Rain Tree)
trio - 2 marimbas + 1 vibraphone
Vibrato - pulsating pitches
Crotales (“antique symbols”) - brass plate bell sounds
Call-and-respond - 2 performers mimick each other
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
Mily Balakirev - mentor and renowned composer
Russian classic music
The Tale of Tsar Saltan - opera
Flight of the Bumblebee
swan becomes bumblebee
ternary form with rapid rising and falling
con sordino (with mute)
2 Leitmotifs - recurrent themes
Francois Schubert
L’Abelle (The Bee)
character work
Bird related works:
Amy Cheney Beach
transcribing music - writing down what you hear
perfect pitch
transcribed bird song
Hermit Thrush at Eve and Hermit Thrush at morn
vocal composers:
musical notation
Beginning: (Middle Ages)
Sacred Music: religious, chants (monophonic)
Secular Music: non-religious, not well recorded, transferred by ear
Sumer is icumen - arrival of summer; preserved in square notation
large red cross - indicates singing
rondellus - polyphony with alternating motifs, a and b; used as foundation
round/rota - imitative polyphony
sampled the sacred chant Regina caeli laetaerei
Louis Armstrong
“What a Wonderful World”
appreciate the world; calm political tensions (1960s)
initial success outside of the US, then US
instruments - violins, cellos, and a rhythm section
harmonic shifts
Form - 32 bar, AABA
Micheal Abels
mixed heritage
Global Warmings
genre: overture (short orchestral work)
commisioned by: Smith and the Phoenix Company Guild
Performed by:
celebrates the fall of the Berlin Wall/end of Cold War
gurio - spanish percussion
Dorian mode: (whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half-whole notes)
Mixolydian Mode: (whole-whole-half-whole-whole-half-whole)
herniola - shifts between triple and duple meters
Jordan Peele
Greek Philosophers
Gov Action (for environment)
Writing - 19th century
Hippy/Folk Music
Joni Mitchell (early 1960s)
founded Sicucumb Publishing
Joni Mitchell (song to seagull)
Ladies of the Canyon
Big Yellow Taxi
features harmonic shifts
7 mixes of Big Yellow Taxi
R & B (Rhythm & Blues)
late 1950s
Founded by: Motown Records
Marvin Gaye
religious upbringings
son of a preacher; grew up with church music
shot and killed his father??
originally: love songs
later: political messages (ex. What’s going on) → disagreements with Motown Records
Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)
tackled air and oil pollution, radiation, and overcrowding
strophic form - AAA
/something about the radio but it’s upside down
Paul McCartney (The Beatles)
never learned sheet music, concepts> formal theory
The Beatles break up -1969
new styles - progressive/symphonic rock (Egyptian Station)
climate change and public inaction
shifts between ballad, blue rock, etc.
chromatic mediant (altered submediant triad)
21th Century Renaissance
Donald Glover (Childish Gambino) - actor, singer, writer, rapper, director, comedian, and more
Summer Pack features
Tempo Project - Dr. Lucy
Climate-Music Project - Stephan Crawford
unite science, music, and action
raise awareness through musical showcases
Ludovico Einaudi
music reflected diverse perspectives
2016 - OSPAR (European delegation address oceanic protection)
worked with Greenpeace to produce Elegy for the Arctic
elegy = sorrowful song
2 additional sections