Types of Writing


Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing aims to convince the reader to adopt an opinion or take action. A strong persuasive text is well-organized and clearly describes the issue.


  • Clear thesis on an issue

  • Sound reasoning

  • Powerful language

  • Detailed evidence and references

  • Alternatives and counterarguments presented

  • Clear organization

  • Clear conclusion

  • Effective, error-free sentence structures

Types of Persuasive Writing:

  1. Persuasive or Argumentative Essay: Influences audience attitudes or actions on a specific issue.

  2. Editorial: Represents the opinion of news organization staff; often uses "we."

  3. Editorial Column: Expresses one author's opinion; uses "I."

  4. Letters to the Editor: Responses to previously published articles.

  5. Op-Ed: Opposite-editorials attempting to persuade readers.

  6. Reviews: Evaluates books, movies, etc.

  7. Advertisements: Paid announcements persuading action.

  8. Propaganda: Emotional appeals, often using biased information.

Responses to Literature

Responses to literature analyze and interpret an author's work, evaluating effectiveness.


  • Clear thesis or controlling idea

  • Analysis and conclusion about the work's meaning

  • Evidence from the text to show understanding

  • Personal insights and evaluation

  • Discussion on how literary elements affect quality

Types of Responses to Literature:

  1. Critical Review: Evaluates aesthetic and content effects.

  2. Interpretive Essay: Discusses personal experience with literature.

  3. Compare and Contrast Essay: Explores similarities and differences between works.

  4. Letters to Authors: Reader feedback to authors.

  5. Blog Comments: Personal opinions shared about works.

Workplace Writing

Workplace writing communicates job-related details.


  • Well-organized, accurate information

  • Targeted purpose and audience

  • Formal language

  • Reader-friendly formatting

  • Effective, error-free sentence structures

Types of Workplace and Technical Writing:

  1. Business Letters: Formal communication related to business matters.

  2. Memos: Brief business notes that formalize communication.

  3. Email: Common communication form, also includes memos and letters.

  4. Forms: Requests for specific information.

  5. Instructions: Step-by-step guidelines.

  6. Resumés: Overview of qualifications for a job.

  7. Job Applications: Documents for hiring purposes.

Research Writing

Research reports present organized evidence supporting a thesis statement.


  • Clear thesis statement

  • Variety of reliable sources

  • Supporting facts and examples

  • Summary of findings

  • Bibliography and citations

  • Effective sentence structures

Types of Research Writing:

  1. Experiment Journals and Lab Reports: Focus on scientific procedures and results.

  2. I-Search Reports: Blend personal storytelling with research.

  3. Scientific Reports: Analyze scientific data.

  4. Historical Reports: Detail past events.

  5. Health Reports: Current health-related information.

  6. Theses and Dissertations: Advanced research papers.

Writing for Media

Media includes television, newspapers, and online platforms for information, entertainment, and advertising.

Questions to Consider:

  • What message is being conveyed?

  • How are visual design and composition used?

  • What prior knowledge helps to judge the message's fairness?

Types of Writing for Media:

  1. News Articles: Inform about topics/events.

  2. Documentaries: Present facts in film/radio.

  3. Web Pages: Provide information online.

  4. Scripts: Written texts for various media productions.

  5. Blogs: Regular personal writings on various topics.

  6. Advertisements: Persuasive messages for products/services.
