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adest-is here

adsunt -are here

agricola- farmer

ambulat -walks

audit- hears, listens to

clamor- shout, uproar

contendit- hurries

fabula- play, story

fémina = woman

hodié -today

luvenis- young man

meus- my, mine

multus- much

multi- many

optimus- very good, excellent, best

petit heads for- attacks

plaudit -applauds,

urbs- city

venit -comes


adest-is here

adsunt -are here

agricola- farmer

ambulat -walks

audit- hears, listens to

clamor- shout, uproar

contendit- hurries

fabula- play, story

fémina = woman

hodié -today

luvenis- young man

meus- my, mine

multus- much

multi- many

optimus- very good, excellent, best

petit heads for- attacks

plaudit -applauds,

urbs- city

venit -comes