9th Grade Essay Rubric for World War I Case Study

Grading System

Total Points: 32

Grading Scale

Grade: Excellent

  • Points Range: 30 - 32

  • Description: Demonstrates a thorough understanding of differing perspectives on World War I, with detailed explanations and relevant examples.

Grade: Strong

  • Points Range: 25 - 29

  • Description: Demonstrates a good understanding of differing perspectives on World War I, with clear explanations and relevant examples.

Grade: Satisfactory

  • Points Range: 20 - 24

  • Description: Demonstrates a basic understanding of differing perspectives on World War I, with some relevant explanations and examples.

Grade: Needs Improvement

  • Points Range: 15 - 19

  • Description: Demonstrates limited understanding of differing perspectives on World War I, with few relevant explanations or examples.

Grade: Unsatisfactory

  • Points Range: 0 - 14

  • Description: Fails to demonstrate understanding of differing perspectives on World War I; lacks relevant explanations or examples.


  • Focus on Bi: Investigating, all of Criterias C: Communicating, and D: Thinking Critically to assess student performance.

  • Provide constructive feedback to guide improvements.


Criterion B: Investigating

  • Points: 8

    • Description: Formulates a clear and focused research question related to differing perspectives on World War I and explains its relevance in detail.

  • Points: 6

    • Description: Formulates a clear and focused research question related to differing perspectives on World War I and describes its relevance.

  • Points: 4

    • Description: Identifies a research question that is clear and somewhat focused, with limited relevance described.

  • Points: 2

    • Description: Identifies a vague research question, showing limited focus and relevance.

  • Points: 0

    • Description: Fails to identify a relevant research question.

Criterion C: Communicating

  • Points: 8

    • Description: Communicates information and ideas completely appropriate for the audience and purpose, and follows task instructions fully.

  • Points: 6

    • Description: Communicates information and ideas mostly appropriate for the audience and purpose, and structures information according to task instructions.

  • Points: 4

    • Description: Communicates information and ideas in a somewhat clear way; organizational structure is basic.

  • Points: 2

    • Description: Communicates information and ideas that are often unclear, with minimal organization.

  • Points: 0

    • Description: Fails to communicate information and ideas clearly.

Criterion D: Thinking Critically

  • Points: 8

    • Description: Completes a detailed analysis of different perspectives on World War I and their implications, effectively summarizing information.

  • Points: 6

    • Description: Completes a substantial analysis of perspectives on World War I and summarizes information to make valid arguments.

  • Points: 4

    • Description: Completes basic analysis of perspectives on World War I with some summaries that indicate simple arguments.

  • Points: 2

    • Description: Makes limited analysis of perspectives on World War I with minimal summarization.

  • Points: 0

    • Description: Fails to analyze differing perspectives on World War I.
