Social work

Definition, scope of social work



Social work involves helping individuals, families, and communities overcome challenges and improve their well-being. Social workers support people facing difficulties such as mental health issues, poverty, abuse, or discrimination. They work in various areas such as counselling, community development, child welfare, healthcare, education, policy advocacy, and more, aiming to create positive changes in society and promote social justice

Meaning of social empowerment

social welfare

Discuss three social reformers

  • Raja Ram Mohan Roy: He was a liberal person who was in favour of all the best principles of all religions and advocated for humanity and social regeneration. He advocated for the removal of evil practices and superstitions in Indian society such as Sathi pratha.

  • Jyotiba Phule: Jyotia Phule contributed towards women's education. His aim was an ideal society with a complete abolition of the caste system and inequalities.

  • Savitribai Phule: She is known as the first feminist of India. She was the first-ever female teacher in the country. Together with her husband she taught and opened 18 schools to children from different castes.

Difference between Human rights and Fundamental rights

Fundamental rights

  • Fundamental rights are protected and guaranteed by the Indian Constitution & they are country-specific

  • It is part of the basic structure of the Constitution.

  • In case of violation, an individual can move to the Supreme Court or High Court.

  • These rights are mainly against the state, but a few are also enforceable against both individuals & state like untouchability

Human rights

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights lists these fundamental human rights that are internationally protected.

  • Few human rights are protected by fundamental rights

  • In cases of violation, SC can be approached under Art. 32 as the Indian constitution shields human rights in the form of guaranteed fundamental rights.

  • These rights are enforced by the United Nations Organization

concept of social service

history of social work in India

Discuss social case work and social group work