==Chemical connection to biology: ==
Biology:: is the study of life
Organisms & the environment is subject to the laws of physics and chemistry
Matter:: is made up of chemical elements and combinations (compounds)
Organisms are made up of matter
Takes up space and has mass
Chemical compounds can be broken down by chemical reactions & are arranged in a fixed ratio.
==Elements of Life: ==
20-25% of 92 elements are required for life (oxygen, nitrogen - ammonia, carbon, hydrogen)
They make up 96% of living matter (carbon + hydrogen = organic molecules)
Most of the remaining 4% are calcium, phosphorus (in ATP → ADP + P inorganic, DNA), postassium, and sulfur.
TRACE ELEMENTS:: Elements required in very little amounts/minute quantities (ex. iron, magnesium, sodium, chlorine).
Element’s Properties depend on structure of its atoms:
Atom:: composed of subatomic molecules (ie. neutrons, protons, electrons)
Electrons form negatively charged “cloud” around nucleus
Mass #:: mass of neutrons + protons (approx. by atomic mass)
Atomic #:: number of protons
Neutron mass:: ~ proton mass
Isotopes:: 2 atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons
Radioactive isotopes:: decay spontaneously, giving off particles and energy
It loses its protons, transforming the atom into a different element
Radioactive tracers::
Diagnostic tool in medicine
Tracers used to track atoms through the body’s metabolism
Used with imaging instruments
Ex. Bromium drink
Radioactive Dating::
Parent isotope decays into the daughter isotope (@ a fixed rate = half-life)
We can measure the ratio of isotopes and calculate how many half-lives have passed
==Energy Levels of Electrons:: ==
Energy causes change
Potential energy:: energy that electrons possess because of their location and structure
Electrons are located in electron clouds and their state of energy is determined by their electron shell
Electron distribution and chemical properties::
The chemical behavior of an atom is based on the distribution of electrons in the electron shells
Atoms with full valence shells are chemically inert/unreactive
Electron orbitals:
Each electron shell consists of a specific number of orbitals
Orbitals are a space where electrons spend 90% of their time
1s^2, 2s^2, 2p^6, 3s^2…
Electrons can move/jump between orbitals depending on the energy absorbed or released as light
Formation + Function depends on the chemical bonds between atoms
Atoms with incomplete valence shells can give away or receive electrons
These form attractions between atoms
Bonding capacity is based on an atom’s valence
==Covalent Bonds ==
Bonds that hold atoms together by 2 shared pairs of electrons
1 bond = 1 shared pair (2 bonds = 2 shared pairs)
Molecule = 2+ atoms held together by covalent bonds
Ionic Compounds & Polarity
Dissociate in water because its ions are attracted to the charge on water molecules (negative or positive dipoles)
Attracted to the polar/non-polar atoms in a water molecule
Polar dissolves in polar, non-polar dissolves in non-polar
Ex. Cellulose (non-polar), when bonded with glucose, makes the molecule symmetrical
Cellulose looks polar because of its asymmetry, but it is non-polar because its long chains become symmetrical.
Polar molecules are NON-SYMMETRICAL (99% of the time)
ASYMMETRICAL molecules are polar if at least 1 bond is polar and non-polar if all bonds are non-polar
Symmetrical molecules are ALWAYS non-polar
H2O = O has a slight negative charge, H has a positive charge (electronegativity differences)
The water molecule is bent 104.5 (electron repulsion) degrees to perform its functions
Application: Ponds & lakes are colder when more oxygen is dissolved
Biological oxygen demand = the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms when they’re decomposing organic matter under aerobic conditions.
Atoms’ attraction for electrons in a covalent bond
High electronegativity = an atom’s strong pull of electrons towards itself
In non-polar covalent bonds, the electrons are shared almost completely equally
In polar covalent bonds, one atom is more electronegative than the other, causing there to be a slight negative charge on the atom with a higher electronegativity and a slight pos charge on the atom having its shared electrons pulled away
==Ionic Bonds: ==
The attraction between a cation (positive charge) and an anion (negative charge) (after one atom strips off its electron and gives it to another atom to form 2 ions)
Compounds formed by ionic bonds = ionic compounds/salts
Dissociate in water
Water always follows a salt (why mouth tastes salty when dehydrated - to stimulate water)
Weak Chemical Interactions:
Most of the strong bonds in organisms are covalent bonds that form a cell’s molecule
Larger molecules are held together by weak bonds that allow them to perform their function
Reversibility of weak bonds is an advantage (ie. homeostasis)
Hydrogen Bonds: Intermolecular force
Forms, when a hydrogen atom bonded to an electronegative atom, is also attracted to another electronegative atom
Commonly between H and O, F, or N atoms (O or N in living organisms)
Can break with a little bit of energy (individually), but very strong collectively
The strongest of all weak bonds
Vaan der Waals Interactions/London Dispersion Force: Intermolecular force
In every interaction
Occurs when electrons accumulate on one side of the molecule due to uneven distribution
The charge on these molecules create attractions between atoms or molecules that are instantaneous and cause an instant net dipole that disappears once electrons rearrange
Weak individually but can be strong collectively (ex. gecko hand hairs and the wall)
Cloud of electrons around one compound attracted to the nucleus of another compound
Positive on one side
^^Dipole-Dipole ^^
Hydrogen bonds with any other molecule (ex. HCl)
Stronger than LDF but weaker than Hydrogen bonds
Occurs between 2 polar molecules (when the positive end of one polar molecule is attracted to the negative end of another polar molecule)
==Molecular Shape and Function ==
Form (determined by the atom’s orbitals) fits the function
In covalent bonds, s and p orbitals may hybridize to create a tetrahedron shape
Elements have no shape, shape is only relevant when forming compounds
Molecular shapes determine how molecules interact and recognize one another
Opiate and naturally produced endorphins have similar effects because of their similarities in shape and the fact that they both bind to the same receptors in the brain.
Morphine prevents people from feeling pain (but people can grow immune to its effects and even stop producing endorphins naturally)
Chemical reactions make and break chemical bonds:
Photosynthesis → sunlight powers the production of 6CO2 and 6H2O into C6H12O6 + 6O2
All biological chemical reactions are reversible because of maintaining homeostasis
Once homeostasis is achieved, the body dies (and can be restimulated from stress that is applied to it)
Chemical equilibrium occur when reactions and its reverse reaction occur at the same rate (an increased amount of reactants = an increased chance at reactions occurring)
At equilibrium, the concentrations of reactants and products do not change (remain fixed in a set ratio)