APUSH Unit 8 review

Brown v Board of Education and Government Doctrines

  • Brown v Board of Education overturned Plessy v Ferguson

    • Shift towards "big government" views among citizens

    • Southerners opposed integration of schools

  • Various government doctrines:

    • Truman Doctrine: anti-communism

    • Eisenhower Doctrine: anti-communism in the Middle E2ast

    • Reagan Doctrine: anti-communism shaping foreign affairs

  • Doctrines influenced foreign affairs and proxy wars against communist expansion

Government Spending and Domestic Affairs

  • Government spending increased for foreign and domestic policies

    • Foreign affairs focused on fighting communism

    • Domestic affairs aimed at growing the economy

  • Stagflation in the 70s due to increased spending

    • Impact on people in poverty

  • Initiatives like Great Society by LBJ and New Frontier by JFK in the 1950s

Social Movements and Events in the 1960s

  • Joseph McCarthy and House Un-American Activities Committee

    • Similar to the Red Scare of the 20s

  • McCarthyism/Witch hunts targeting communists in society

  • 1960s marked by consumerism and progressive movements

    • Rise of LGBTQ, feminist, and civil rights movements

    • Increased drug use and "free love"

  • Assassinations and rising divorce rates

  • Vietnam War and the concept of "containment" of communism

  • SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) activism against the Vietnam War

Environmental and Social Changes in the 1970s

  • Environmental pollution highlighted by Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

  • Martin Luther King advocating for peace and integration

  • Malcolm X advocating for revolution and separation

  • Creation of Medicare by LBJ and Social Security by FDR

  • Push for traditionalism and women returning to domestic roles in the 1970s

  • Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act passed in 1970

  • Emergence of the Transcendentalist movement

1970s and Beyond

  • Strong push for traditional values and roles

  • Ronald Reagan symbolizing conservative values in politics

  • Earth Day celebrated for the first time

  • Distinction between De jure (progressive laws) and decarte (the reality)
