Untitled Flashcards Set

Little ‘g’ globalization

  • The actual concept of global interdependency on resources, power, and economics

  • globalization is the extension, acceleration, and intensification of consequential worldwide interconnections

  • Increasing, but uneven

  • Early: imperialism + capitalism = globalization

    • Interconnected, unequal, and uneven economy


  • The political buzzword coined in the 80s by politicians and economists to describe and produce global interdependence

  • Key traits: international trade, commodity chains, immigration, supranational institutions and governments, cross-border cultural hybridity, shared cross-border cultural products or norms, international financial flows, interdependent economic development

  • Drivers: economic forces, competition, individuals

  • Geography: flattening, shrinking, homogenizing, networked

  • Neoliberal globalization adopts rules  that promote:

    • Cross-border flows of goods

    • Cross-border financial flows

    • Privatization of national industries

    • Limits on subsidies + other NTBs

  • Causes of poverty: bad economic policies | Solution: embrace free market economic policy

Embedded liberalism/Keynesian liberalism (FDR - New Deal)

  • Rise of social safety net, public education, subsidies, etc. 

  • Promotion of international trade // limits on financial flows

Neoliberalism (Reagan - “deregulation”)

  • The concept of free-market economic policies that are pushed by this type of politicians

  • Came about in the time of Reagan and Thatcher

  • Neo = new // liberalism = free market, increasing global interdependence by shrinking government

  • “Economic + personal freedom” go hand in hand

  • Ex. Coup in Chile

    • Chicago Boys + neoliberalism in 1973

Washington Consensus

  • The agreement in  “washington” of committing to free-market policies (other countries had to commit if they wanted US aid)

    • 10 traits:

      • Liberalize trade

      • Privatize public services

      • Deregulate business/finance

      • Cut public spending

      • Reduce taxes

      • Encourage foreign investment

      • De-unionize

      • Export-led development

      • Reduce inflation

      • Enforce property rights


  • The broad movement beginning in the early 15th century of taking over other territories and countries

  • Hand in hand with capitalism

  • The extension of the power of one state beyond its border to control other people, place, and cultures

  • Driven in large part by desire for cheap resources, cheap (coerced) labor, new markets

    • Rise of an interconnected, uneven + unequal capitalist global economy


  • A specific instance of imperialism

  • Exploiting land, resources, and people

  • Formal control over one territory and its people by another


  • 4 economic characteristics:

    • Depends on growth

    • Constant search for new markets to expand

    • Cut costs for cheaper raw materials and cheaper labor

    • Driver by competition to speed up production

1st Age of Empire

  • Formal colonization of Americas with “settler + plantation colonies”

  • The “great dying”

  • Age of exploration

Age of informal empire

  • Fewer formal colonies ( cheaper)

  • More asia and africa

  • “Spheres of influence” and industrial revolution

  • US becomes imperial power // Latin America mostly independent

2nd/High/Classic Age of Empire

  • Formal colonization of Africa and Asia

  • Some settler colonies (South Africa) / most governed by small # of European elites

  • Industrial revolution in full swing

  • Pacific asia, fall of ottoman empire → carving of Middle East, US expands West

Scramble for Africa

  • The very end of the 19th century when everyone realized how lucrative it would be to have a stake in Africa

  • 1884 conference of Berlin

  • By 1990, Europe controlled 90% of Africa

Industrial Revolution

  • Period in the West of industrializing industries

  • Rural → urban

  • Poor working conditions // unions

  • Led to a need for cheap labor and raw materials

    • Need industrial inputs and new markets

    • Rising western living standards ⇒ need to feed new consumption (rubber, oil, copper, coffee, sugar, etc.)

Methodological nationalism

  • Understanding a nation’s economic success ONLY from its own history and understanding

  • Nation-state as primary unit of analysis // blank slate, fresh beginning

  • VS relational approach - connections among places, transnational dynamics

Imperial legacies

  • Twin processes of Capitalism + Imperialism produced a globalized world

  • All following legacies obscured by methodological nationalism

  • Economic:

    • Integrated markets, transnational commodity chains, uneven development

    • West: industrialized, higher wages + SOL // Rest: less industrialized, dependent on primary commodities, lower wages + standards

  • Demographic:

    • “We are here because you were there!”

    • Many impacted imperial colonies have people who end up going to imperial countries (i.e. Algerians in France)

      • National Borders: decolonization → new nation-states, less unity, border conflicts

      • Environmental: resource extraction, uneven carbon footprints, intensification of export-agriculture

“West and the Rest”/”Noble vs Ignoble” - Stuart Hall

  • The discourse beginning during imperialism that allowed the establishment of an “us” and “them”

  • Binary categories → justifies treatment of inferior

  • Stereotyping (simplification, essentialization, homogenization)

  • Dualisms (binary categories, opposites, hierarchical)

  • Produced: 

    • Imperial domination

    • Racialized social + labor hierarchies

    • European identity

    • And Western social science

      • Concept of “ladder” of development/progress

Discourse/discursive practice

  • A group of statements that provide a language for talking about a particular kind of knowledge about a topic (discursive formation)

  • Can be produced by many individuals in different settings

  • Not closed systems and never neutral

  • They don’t even need to be the same statements, just systematic

  • Produce a “regime of truth

Liberal International (Economic) Order / “rules based order”

  • The global understanding of economic practices and rules that every country should follow

  • Established before neoliberalism

  • US influences and benefits // for the rest it’s the best option

    • 3 key pillars:

      • Political liberalism

      • Economic liberalism

      • Liberal internationalism 

  • The idea that if everyone is treated equally, they will become equal

  • Created post WWII, best system for US economy and better for everyone else

  • Demise: growing criticism of free trade, rise of BRICs, use of industrial policies + trade barriers

(US) hegemony

  • US standards and expectations enforced on all other countries (McDonaldization / Coca-Colonization ⇒ consensual hegemony-building orchestrated by American corporate interests abroad

  • There is military hegemony  and social hegemony

  • Military hegemony abroad + social hegemony at home

  • Locked in through IMF and WB

New International Economic Order

  • Developed after the LIEO by countries who believe that treating everyone equally will perpetuate inequality // never actually implemented as a full package

  • Post-colonial plan 

    • Key Pillars:

      • Right to national resources, nationalizing property

      • Negotiating better (nonmarket) prices for raw commodities

      • Greater power in international institutions

      • Promoting transfer of tech, knowledge + skills, to developing countries

      • Debt relief

World Trade Organization

  • One of the major International Institutions

  • Essentially the mediary between countries with trade disputes

  • Countries can sue for infringement of trade rights and WTO will decide who is right

    • Ex. Australia tried to put black lungs on their cigarette packages and tobacco countries sued them saying that they are infringing on their main source of income. WTO sided with Australia

  • Institutionally designed to:

    • Liberalize international trade

    • Enforce free trade rules

    • Arbitrate trade disputes

  • One country one vote // same rules for all members


  • Taxes on imports and exports

Non-tariff Barriers

  • Any other policies that might affect trade… including:

    • Labeling and origin requirements, consumer protection laws, subsidies to particular industries, etc. 

“Myth of the free market”

  • Mainly discussed by Hajoon Chang from South Korea

  • Primary argument:

    • Cornerstone of the free market is that there are “no rules”, however, every market has rules and has to have rules to function effectively

    • We have just become so desensitized to the rules of our free market that we don’t realize the rules are there

      • Ex. labor laws, environmental laws, health laws, regulatory agencies (FDA, EPA), etc. 


  • Creates binary categories to compare other countries to the standards set by the west

  • Underdeveloped implies that the country is working towards it and can be aided

  • Underdeveloped implies “someone” is causing it, form of agency

    • The West underdeveloped the rest

Uneven development

  • A concept in globalization used by corporations to use and reproduce the differences in development in various countries

  • Ex. a phone company could use the development of tech in Belgium but knows it would be too expensive to produce the phone hardware there so they would turn to a country like India which is less developed and would do it cheaply 

  • Often increased by “differential mobility”

    • Money and goods move evenly across borders but workers and places cannot move (easier to offshore than to bring the workers in)

  • The idea that the free market contributes to continued inequality

Global commodity chains

  • Every product goes through a long process in being created and often goes through different stages in different countries

  • Foster uneven globalization

  • Basic commodity chain:

    • Movement of raw materials from source to one or more sites to consumption + factory

    • Raw materials → manufacturing → shipment → consumer

  • Complex commodity chain: 

    • Movement of multiple raw or intermediate goods to one or more destinations for further manufacturing/assembly

    • Raw materials → separate manufacturing → assembly → shipment → consumer


  • Using sub-national differences for profit

  • Offshoring: companies setting up a factory in another country because it is cheaper or there are less regulations 

    • Ex. Nike sets up a Nike factory in India

  • Outsources: companies buying cheap materials from factories other countries own

    • Ex. Nike buys materials from an Indian factory

Special Economic Zones

  • Typically fenced off areas in countries with different regulations and policies

  • Could have to do with working conditions, health regulations, tax regulations

    • Essentially normal laws don’t apply so it’s cheaper

  • Fundamental to global economy

  • 70-90% female // sexual harrassment, lack of social services

  • “Race to the Bottom”

International Spatial Division of Labor

  • Companies using different countries’ people to accomplish different tasks for the same goal

    • Ex. Cargo boat: captain is Dutch, mechanics are Chinese, cleaners are Thai, etc. 

  • Stages of economic production distributed across space

    • By type of labor and laborer: nationality, class, race, gender

  • Places “value” on certain kinds of labor

Poverty v. inequality

  • Poverty is the level to which an individual cannot afford to sustain themself whereas inequality is the difference in levels that individuals around the world are able to sustain themselves. 


  • The process of reducing poverty and/or inequality

  • Strategies depend on how we explain P+I

Human Development Index

  • The United Nations, well-respected index of international poverty levels and inequality

  • 3 key features:

    • Long + healthy life

    • Good education

    • Decent standard of living

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  • One of the two main International Financial Institutions

  • Originally established for the West after WWII (Britain in particular), but now primarily used by the Global South for loans

  • Shorter term loans and projects // i.e. countries in financial crisis

  • US hegemony, one dollar one vote, profits for US businesses

World Bank

  • One of the two main International Financial Institutions

  • Also originally established for the West after WWII

  • Longer term loans and projects

  • US hegemony, one dollar one vote, profits for US businesses

Structural Adjustment Programs

  • The original methods used by the IFIs and West to give loans to the Global South struggling in the debt crisis

  • They would loan them the money but with a plethora of “conditionalities” essentially requiring them to implement free-market policies in order to keep the money

  • Essentially ruined whatever small economy mainly countries in Africa had succeeded in building during the 60s-70s

  • Conditionalities:

    • Cut social spending: no more healthcare, education, infrastructure, etc. 

    • Privatize public goods

    • Encourage foreign investment

  • Pretty much tanked Global South economy because they all started producing the same crops which led to inflation

Third World Debt Crisis

  • Occurred in the 1980s and caused many countries to have to turn to the IFIs and implement free-market policies

  • Opening of post-colonial world to integrate into global economy

     Nation-State + International community

  • Each nation-state has the sovereign authority to determine its own internal affairs

  • External authority: ability to be recognized as an equal player by other nations

Stuart Hall – “The West and the Rest”

  • Discourse started by the West to create binary categories

    • Once you have a superior and inferior, it is easier to justify atrocities

  • Exoticization, exploitation, colonization of the Rest by the West

  • The west is a historical, not geographical construct

  • Began with European barriers (Barrier of Fear, etc.) until first encounter

    • Encounter with “new worlds” —with difference—reinforced new identity of superiority // “Eurocentric view”

    • Europe tried to fit the new world into existing cultural frameworks

  • Those who produce the discourse also have the power to make it true

  • Juxtaposition of the New World as close to nature but almost barbaric 

  • Discursive Strategies:

    • Idealization

    • Projection of fantasies of desire and degradation

    • Failure to recognize and respect difference

    • Tendency to impose European categories and norms

  • Stereotypic Dualism: split into 2 opposing elements

Ha-Joon Chang – 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism (Things 1, 7, 11)

  • 1: The free market is a myth: all markets have rules, we have just become blind to the rules of ours // prices politically determined

  • 2: free market policies rarely make poor countries rich and virtually ALL of today’s rich countries used protectionism and subsidies to promote their infant industries 

    • Developing countries need to protect + nurture their producers before being capable to compete in world market unassisted

    • America to developing countries: “Do as I say, not as I did”

  • Africa did not stay poor due to corruption, culture, resources, climate, geography, etc. 

    • Africa stayed poor due to meddling by the West and the policies they were compelled to implement after the debt crisis

    • Other wealthy countries have malaria, are land-locked, and have abundant resources → used other forms of market policy to get rich then implemented free market 

    • “Structural handicaps” = scapegoats

    • Rhetoric of Africa’s inability to succeed economically was proliferated after free-market policies failed and economists couldn’t explain why!

Matthew Sparke – Introducing Globalization (Chapters 1, 7)

Chap 1:

  • globalization and ‘G’lobalization are different

    • One is the concept and one is the buzzword

  • globalization is the extension, acceleration, and intensification of consequential worldwide interconnections

  • ‘G’lobalization describes and produces inequality

  • Introduced by Reagan and thatcher as TINA

    • Promote radical reformations of the economy + trade to be globally competitive

  • Freedom from want/fear = free market

    Chap 7:

  • There is no such thing as the “end of the nation-state”, tied to ‘G’lobalization rhetoric myths

  • Governance - umbrella term for diverse forms of formal and informal systems of control

  • Governmentality - social systems of political control

  • Hegemony - US influence

  • “Shock therapy” of overnight neoliberalization (TINA)

  • Global market discipline

  • IFI’s designed to maximize US influence + minimize budgetary burden (not international aid organizations)

    • Fund: short term balance of payments [Fund > Bank]

    • Bank: longer-range challenges of development

    • One dollar one vote

  • IMF:

    • Regulate the rates at which currencies were exchanged among member countries

    • Ensure international monetary stability by making short-term loans to countries suffering ba;ance of payment crises

    • Discipline through debt

  • “Obedience = good governance” //NO// conditionality = disempowering (externally imposed neocolonial control)

  • WB:

    • Development Bank → Knowledge Bank (‘poverty-fighting’)

    • Pattern of market-responsive “responsibilization”
