AP lit vocabulary

Set 1:

adjunct (noun): an addition or supplement to something else

banality (noun): something commonplace or cliche, unoriginal or common

bellwether (noun): leader or indicator of something

caterwaul (noun): loud and unpleasant noise, to howl or screech like a cat

chimerical (adj): outrageous or crazy, absurd

effete (noun): weak, lacking in energy, exhaused, unable to produce

metaphor (noun): a NON-LITERAL comparison between two things in order to suggest a resemblance

Set 2:

Elegaic (adj): mournfull, accepting

Hidebound (adj): conservative, old fashioned, stubborn

Hierarchy (noun): a power structure/order in government

Indignation (noun): reaction as though one has been disrespected

Liturgy (noun): a religious ritual or ceremony

Morass (noun): a difficult thing to work your way through, a challenge (literally: a swampy, wet, sticky environment)

Simile (noun): a comparison of two things using the words like and as

Set 3:

Lament(verb)- to mourn the loss of something

Noisesome (adj)- suffocating, foul-smelling

Personification(noun)- manifestation of, embodiment of, giving human traits to a non human thing

Poltroon (noun)- coward, traitor,

Proselyte (noun)- follower or believer

Raillery (noun)- messing around, banter

Ribald(adj)- vulgar, obscene
