Reading Quiz #4 (630-667)

League of Nations 634

Marcus Garvey 640

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti 641

Nineteenth Amendment 642

Palmer Raids 641

Red Scare 640

Senator Henry Cabot Lodge 636

The Fourteen Points 634

Treaty of Versailles 636

United Negro Improvement Association 640

A. Philip Randolph 651

Alain Locke 661

Al Smith 665

"American Plan" 652

automobile 653

Dake Ellington 651

H. L. Mencken 660

Harlem Renaissance 661

Herbert Hoover 667

Issei 651

Jelly Roll Morion 661

Ku Klux Kian 662

Langston Hughes 661

Lost Generation 658

Margaret Sanger 656

National Origins Act of 1924 662

Nisei 651

parity 653

Scopes "Monkey Trial" 665

Sinclair Lewis 661

Teapot Dome 666

The Jazz Singer 654

welfare capitalism 648
