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Theo 9: Final Study Guide Vocab

  • Evangelization- To bring the good news of Jesus Christ to others; The Evangelists were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

  • Church- The body of Christ, that is the community of God's people who profess faith in the risen lord Jesus and love and serve others under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Roman Catholic church is guided by the Pope and his bishops.

  • Mystery- A reality filled with God's invisible presence. This term applies to the blessed trinity’s plan of salvation in Jesus Christ, the church that is his body and the sacraments.

  • Sacrament- Visible sign of invisible grace

  • Church as sacrament- People should experience God as we as a community do

  • Church as body of christ- We, the followers of God, work together to live the word of God; It’s up to us to live a tangible life of church, a sacrament

  • Laity- All members baptized of the Church who are not ordained (the clergy) or in consecrated life. The laity participate in Jesus’ prophetic priestly and kingly ministries.

  • Liturgy- The official public worship of the church. The sacraments and the Divine Office constitute the church’s liturgy. The mass is the most important liturgical celebration.

  • Icons- Religious images or paintings that are traditional among many Eastern Christians

  • Pope- Leader of the Roman Catholic church

  • Cardinal- Members of the hierarchy, who select the new pope

  • Bishop- Members of the hierarchy who are responsible for a geographical part of the church

  • Priest- mediators

  • Evangelical counsels- Vows of personal poverty, chastity understood as lifelong celibacy, and obedience to the demands of the community, being joined which are professed by those entering consecrated life

  • Vows: Chastity, Poverty, Obedience

  • Consecrated religious life: The monks, nun, the people who take vows of evangelical counsels

  • Saint- A “holy one” of God who lives in union with God through the grace of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit and whom God rewards with eternal life in Heaven.

  • Cannon law- The official body of rules (canons) that provide for good order in the Catholic Church

  • Marks of the Church- Four essential signs or characteristics of Christ’s Church that mark her as his true Church.

  • The Church is- one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.

  • Catholic- From a Greek word meaning “universal” or “general” the catholic church is the christian community that is one, holy, apostolic and catholic that is open to all people everywhere at all times and that preaches the fullness of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ.

  • Apostle (disciple)- One “sent” to be Christ’s ambassador, to continue his work. In its widest sense, the term refers to all of Christ’s disciples, whose mission is to preach the Gospel in word and deed.

  • Ecumenism- The movement, inspired and led by the Holy Spirit, seeks the union of all Christian religions and eventually the unity of all peoples throughout the world.

  • Great Schism (1054)- A major break between the churches of the West (centered in Rome) and the East (centered in the city of Constantinople). The Roman Church had added the expression “and the Son” who the article of the Nicene Creed referring to the holy spirit (“he proceeds from the Father and the Son”) without seeking approval from a Church-wide council of bishops

  • Protestant- A baptized Christian who believes in Christ but who does believe in the authority of the Pope

  • Communion of Saints- Everyone who has been saved by Jesus- Alive and Dead.  We are called to live Saintly lives

  • Eschatology- A study of, and teaching about the “last things”

  • Heaven- Perfect life of supreme happiness with God and all the communion of saints for all eternity

  • Hell- Eternal separation from God that results from a person dying after freely and deliberately choosing to act against God’s will

  • Purgatory- The state of purification that takes place after death for those who need to be made clean and holy before meeting the all holy God

  • Immaculate Conception- The church dogma that holds the blessed mother, by grace from God, was preserved immune from all stain of original sin from the first moment of her existence

  • Conversion- Conversion of the heart that happens within the context of the sacrament of reconciliation- a new way of being, significant change of heart, mind, and action

  • Sin- An offense against God through a violation of truth, reason, and conscience

  • Venial Sin- Actual sin that weakens and woulds our relationship with God, but does not destroy divine life in our souls

  • Neophyte- Those newly baptized into the church

  • Catechumen- An unbaptized person who is preparing to receive all of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation.

  • Mortal Sin- A serious violation of God’s law of love that results in the loss of God’s life (sanctifying grace) in the soul of the sinner. To commit mortal sin, there must be grave matter, full knowledge of the evil done, and full consent of the will.

  • Original Sin- The fallen state of human nature into which all generations of people are born. Christ Jesus came to save us from Original Sin.

  • Beatific Vision- Seeing God face to face in Heaven, the source of our eternal happiness, final union with God for eternity

  • Particular Judgment- The individual's judgment right after death, when Christ will rule on one’s eternal destiny to be spent in heaven or hell

  • Last (general) Judgment- Jesus Christ’s judgment of the living and the dead on the last day, when he comes to establish God’s kingdom

  • Amen- Hebrew word for “truly” or “it is so” signifying agreement with what has been said

  • Chrism- Blessed by the Bishop, this perfumed oil is used for anointing in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders. It represents the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

  • Eucharist- “Thanksgiving”

  • Sacraments of Initiation- Make us full members of the Church

  • 3 categories- Initiation, Healing, Ministry and Service

  • Parts of the Mass and what happens during them- Introductory, liturgy of the word, liturgy of the eucharist, dismissal

  • Martyr- Died for their faith

  • Essential rite- The Portion of the liturgical celebration of a sacrament that is strictly necessary in order for the sacrament to be valid.

  • Transubstantiation- Describes what happens at the consecration of the bread and wine at mass when the substance is turned into the entire substance of the Body and Blood of Christ

  • Triduum- The 3 day long liturgy that is the Church’s most solemn celebration of the paschal mystery

  • Days of triduum- Holy thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday

  • Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick- A sacrament of healing administered by a priest to a person in which the Lord extends his loving, healing touch through the church to those who are seriously ill or dying

  • Sacrament of Holy Orders- Apostolic ministry at the service of communion whereby christ, through the church, ordains men through the laying on of hands

  • Sacrament of Matrimony- Service of communion in which Christ binds a man and woman into a permanent covenant of love

  • Sacrament of Penance- Sacrament of healing, through which Christ extends his forgiveness to sinners

  • Absolution- The prayer by which a priest pardons a repent sinner in the sacrament of penance

  • Contrition- Heartfelt sorrow and aversion for the sins committed

  • Diaconate- Deacons: ordained ministers who assist bishops and priests in celebration of liturgy, 3rd degree in the hierarchy of Holy Orders

  • Celibacy- The choice to forgo marriage and children

  • Annulment- An official church declaration that what appears to be a Christian marriage never existed in the first place

  • Prayer- Our conversation with God, the Our Father was given to us by Jesus after a disciple asked Jesus how to pray

Theo 9: Final Study Guide Vocab

  • Evangelization- To bring the good news of Jesus Christ to others; The Evangelists were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

  • Church- The body of Christ, that is the community of God's people who profess faith in the risen lord Jesus and love and serve others under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Roman Catholic church is guided by the Pope and his bishops.

  • Mystery- A reality filled with God's invisible presence. This term applies to the blessed trinity’s plan of salvation in Jesus Christ, the church that is his body and the sacraments.

  • Sacrament- Visible sign of invisible grace

  • Church as sacrament- People should experience God as we as a community do

  • Church as body of christ- We, the followers of God, work together to live the word of God; It’s up to us to live a tangible life of church, a sacrament

  • Laity- All members baptized of the Church who are not ordained (the clergy) or in consecrated life. The laity participate in Jesus’ prophetic priestly and kingly ministries.

  • Liturgy- The official public worship of the church. The sacraments and the Divine Office constitute the church’s liturgy. The mass is the most important liturgical celebration.

  • Icons- Religious images or paintings that are traditional among many Eastern Christians

  • Pope- Leader of the Roman Catholic church

  • Cardinal- Members of the hierarchy, who select the new pope

  • Bishop- Members of the hierarchy who are responsible for a geographical part of the church

  • Priest- mediators

  • Evangelical counsels- Vows of personal poverty, chastity understood as lifelong celibacy, and obedience to the demands of the community, being joined which are professed by those entering consecrated life

  • Vows: Chastity, Poverty, Obedience

  • Consecrated religious life: The monks, nun, the people who take vows of evangelical counsels

  • Saint- A “holy one” of God who lives in union with God through the grace of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit and whom God rewards with eternal life in Heaven.

  • Cannon law- The official body of rules (canons) that provide for good order in the Catholic Church

  • Marks of the Church- Four essential signs or characteristics of Christ’s Church that mark her as his true Church.

  • The Church is- one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.

  • Catholic- From a Greek word meaning “universal” or “general” the catholic church is the christian community that is one, holy, apostolic and catholic that is open to all people everywhere at all times and that preaches the fullness of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ.

  • Apostle (disciple)- One “sent” to be Christ’s ambassador, to continue his work. In its widest sense, the term refers to all of Christ’s disciples, whose mission is to preach the Gospel in word and deed.

  • Ecumenism- The movement, inspired and led by the Holy Spirit, seeks the union of all Christian religions and eventually the unity of all peoples throughout the world.

  • Great Schism (1054)- A major break between the churches of the West (centered in Rome) and the East (centered in the city of Constantinople). The Roman Church had added the expression “and the Son” who the article of the Nicene Creed referring to the holy spirit (“he proceeds from the Father and the Son”) without seeking approval from a Church-wide council of bishops

  • Protestant- A baptized Christian who believes in Christ but who does believe in the authority of the Pope

  • Communion of Saints- Everyone who has been saved by Jesus- Alive and Dead.  We are called to live Saintly lives

  • Eschatology- A study of, and teaching about the “last things”

  • Heaven- Perfect life of supreme happiness with God and all the communion of saints for all eternity

  • Hell- Eternal separation from God that results from a person dying after freely and deliberately choosing to act against God’s will

  • Purgatory- The state of purification that takes place after death for those who need to be made clean and holy before meeting the all holy God

  • Immaculate Conception- The church dogma that holds the blessed mother, by grace from God, was preserved immune from all stain of original sin from the first moment of her existence

  • Conversion- Conversion of the heart that happens within the context of the sacrament of reconciliation- a new way of being, significant change of heart, mind, and action

  • Sin- An offense against God through a violation of truth, reason, and conscience

  • Venial Sin- Actual sin that weakens and woulds our relationship with God, but does not destroy divine life in our souls

  • Neophyte- Those newly baptized into the church

  • Catechumen- An unbaptized person who is preparing to receive all of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation.

  • Mortal Sin- A serious violation of God’s law of love that results in the loss of God’s life (sanctifying grace) in the soul of the sinner. To commit mortal sin, there must be grave matter, full knowledge of the evil done, and full consent of the will.

  • Original Sin- The fallen state of human nature into which all generations of people are born. Christ Jesus came to save us from Original Sin.

  • Beatific Vision- Seeing God face to face in Heaven, the source of our eternal happiness, final union with God for eternity

  • Particular Judgment- The individual's judgment right after death, when Christ will rule on one’s eternal destiny to be spent in heaven or hell

  • Last (general) Judgment- Jesus Christ’s judgment of the living and the dead on the last day, when he comes to establish God’s kingdom

  • Amen- Hebrew word for “truly” or “it is so” signifying agreement with what has been said

  • Chrism- Blessed by the Bishop, this perfumed oil is used for anointing in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders. It represents the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

  • Eucharist- “Thanksgiving”

  • Sacraments of Initiation- Make us full members of the Church

  • 3 categories- Initiation, Healing, Ministry and Service

  • Parts of the Mass and what happens during them- Introductory, liturgy of the word, liturgy of the eucharist, dismissal

  • Martyr- Died for their faith

  • Essential rite- The Portion of the liturgical celebration of a sacrament that is strictly necessary in order for the sacrament to be valid.

  • Transubstantiation- Describes what happens at the consecration of the bread and wine at mass when the substance is turned into the entire substance of the Body and Blood of Christ

  • Triduum- The 3 day long liturgy that is the Church’s most solemn celebration of the paschal mystery

  • Days of triduum- Holy thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday

  • Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick- A sacrament of healing administered by a priest to a person in which the Lord extends his loving, healing touch through the church to those who are seriously ill or dying

  • Sacrament of Holy Orders- Apostolic ministry at the service of communion whereby christ, through the church, ordains men through the laying on of hands

  • Sacrament of Matrimony- Service of communion in which Christ binds a man and woman into a permanent covenant of love

  • Sacrament of Penance- Sacrament of healing, through which Christ extends his forgiveness to sinners

  • Absolution- The prayer by which a priest pardons a repent sinner in the sacrament of penance

  • Contrition- Heartfelt sorrow and aversion for the sins committed

  • Diaconate- Deacons: ordained ministers who assist bishops and priests in celebration of liturgy, 3rd degree in the hierarchy of Holy Orders

  • Celibacy- The choice to forgo marriage and children

  • Annulment- An official church declaration that what appears to be a Christian marriage never existed in the first place

  • Prayer- Our conversation with God, the Our Father was given to us by Jesus after a disciple asked Jesus how to pray