Course Title: Computer Organization and Architecture
Instructor: Dr. Siddhartha Chatterjee
Semester: Spring 2025
University: The University of Texas at Austin
Date: 13 January 2025
Class Meetings:
Dr. Chatterjee:
MTWR 09:00-10:00 (GDC 2.216)
MTWR 13:00-14:00 (GDC 2.216)
Dr. Joshi:
MTWR 10:00-11:00 (WEL 1.308)
MTWR 14:00-15:00 (GDC 2.216)
Course structure:
Unified course elements: assignments, quizzes, exams, TA office hours, cooperative learning, Canvas, Gradescope, Ed Discussion.
There will be Friday discussion sections as per the Registrar’s schedule.
Contact for Admin Matters:
Go to the instructor of record for administrative issues.
Platforms for Communication: Ed
Office Hours (Dr. Chatterjee):
Time: TR 10:00 – 12:45
Location: GDC 6.502
Email: (Note: No Canvas email!)
Core UGCA Office Hours: Held in GDC 4.100 or GDC 3.100, shared spaces with other core classes, coverage hours to be announced on Canvas.
Courses with a minimum grade of C-:
Discrete Math for Computer Science (C S 311 or C S 311H)
Data Structures (C S 314 or C S 314H)
Course Components:
Textbooks and detailed week-by-week schedule available on Canvas.
Expected Skills:
Ability to read and understand technical materials
Identify areas of confusion and ask questions
Solve complex problems involving logical reasoning and calculations.
Total Assignments: 4 Programming Projects (44% of final grade)
Weighting: 13%, 8%, 8%, 15%
Project 1 is currently available.
Exams: 3 (48% of final grade)
Weighting: 16% each
Weekly Quizzes: 7%
Total of 11 quizzes, with the lowest 4 scores dropped.
CES Completion: 1%
Mastery Requirement: Specific details to be announced.
C S 312
C S 314
C S 429
C S 439
C S 311
C S 331
Central Question: How does a computing system execute the program that I write?
Key Topics:
Programming in C
Linux command-line interface (shell)
Toolchain: gcc, gdb, make, git
Subject Matter: data, code, processor, storage
Systems thinking: principles, policies, practice; cost, benefit, risk
Concept: Tools can be many things, but they are not magic wands.
Illusion and Means:
Infinite space
Infinite speed
Themes: Abstraction, Concurrency, Hierarchy
University Motto: What starts here changes the world.