Popular group in the southern German states that Bismarck saw as a cultural threat to the new Germany. Catholic Center Party
Marxist political group that Bismarck saw as a political threat to the new Germany. Social Democratic Party (SPD)
These required Prussian priests to be educated in Germany and abolished the power of the pope and transferred it to the state May Laws .
Bismarck's strategy to attack on the Catholic Church. Translates as "struggle for culture". Kulturkampf.
This new German emperor opposed Bismarck, fired him, actions contributed to WWI. William II
Set 3
Term for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austria and Hungary each had its own capital, constitution, and legislative assembly, but were united under one monarch. Dual Monarchy
The "Compromise" of 1867 that created the Austria-Hungary. Ausgleich .
A nationalist movement to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine Zionism.
Prejudice against Jews that has existed since the ancient world. Intensified in Europe as nationalism grew in the second half of the 19th century. Anti semitism.
A Jewish military captain in the French Army, he was falsely accused of treason, and this controversy (affair) caused division in France. Those who sympathized with him tended to be on the left politically, and those opposed to him tended to be conservatives on the right. Dreyfus.
The French writer who defended Dreyfus in the famous newspaper article "J'Accuse" in which he accused the military, Church, and conservative government of the Third Republic of corruption. Zola.
Austrian journalist and founder of the Zionist movement urging the creation of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine. Herzl.
Government supported attacks against Jews in Russia progoms.
British document that promised land in Palestine as homeland for Jews in exchange for Jews help in WWI Balfour Declaration.
Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia's emperors formed 1873; the three most conservative powers of Europe. Formed by Otto-von Bismarck to deal with Germany's threat of encirclement. The agreement did not last. Three emperors league
Bismarck's attempt to get Russia to promise neutrality (while Germany also promise neutrality) if their allies initiated conflict, because Bismarck continued to be concerned about encirclement by Russia and France. When Bismarck was fired, William II did not renew the agreement, leading to the events of WWI. reinsurance treaty
Term for the Ottoman Empire as it declined in the late 19th century.
This country defeated the Ottoman Empire in 1878, but was forced to return all territory at the Congress of Berlin because Britain was not comfortable with this country gaining so much territory and influence in the eastern Mediterranean. Although the loss was due to British pressure, the country blamed Germany because the meeting where the losses occurred was in Berlin, organized by Bismarck. Russia
extreme, chauvinistic patriotism, often favoring an aggressive, warlike foreign policy -- "My country is so awesome it can beat up and destroy your country". Term initiated in a British song / poem. jingoism
Region of southeastern europe full of different nationalities such as Serbs, Croats, Slavs, Bosnians, etc. who wanted independence as the Ottoman Empire weakened. Balkans
The idea that disease was caused by the spread of living organisms that could be controlled. germ theory
A French chemist, this man discovered that heat could kill bacteria that otherwise spoiled liquids including milk, wine, and beer. Pasteur
First to use disinfectants in surgical procedures; used germ theory to develop antiseptics Lister
published a table of elements (periodic table), arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass; found repating patterns in properties, and left empy spaces in the table Mendeleev
father of sociology; associated with Positivism. Comte
the belief that knowledge should be derived from scientific observation Positivism
English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882) Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin's book explained how various species evolve over time and only those with advantages can survive and reproduce Origin of the species
The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle. social Darwinism
English philosopher and sociologist who applied the theory of natural selection to human societies (1820-1903). Developed idea of "survival of the fittest" and Social Darwinism. Spencer
Austrian physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; founded psychoanalysis. Frued
German physicist who developed quantum theory; challenged older scientific theories about the atom Planck
A French philosophy professor who said that personal experiences and intuition were more important than rational thought and thinking. Associated with vitalism. Bergson
influential German philosopher remembered for his concept of the superman and for his rejection of Christian values (1844-1900). Ideas would become very popular with Nazis. Nietzsche
Albert Einstein's ideas about the interrelationships between time and space and between energy and matter Theory of relativity
German born physicist. Well-known theories of light, time, and space, as well as other big developments that added to the scientific world. 1879-1955. Einstein