The main character in Cast Away was trying to find resources to help him get back to his home from the island. Finding resources to help you do something is an important part of the history of science and technology.
From around the 1700’s to the 1900’s there were way more inventions made than anytime else. There were so many inventions that there wasn’t enough space to write them all. These events might have been caused from secondary or tertiary effects of each other.
You needed to know the time in order to use a astrolabe or a sextant.
The waves in the water bodies on which the ship was travelling on, would disturb the rocking of the pendulum clock.
In order to know your location at sea you needed to know the time, because it was required for using an astrolabe or a sextant. These devices had three values; time, location, and position of stars. You would need two of the three values to then use the device to figure out the third one.
People would be able to tell their position on the earth.
The secondary effects were the fact that most army officers were aristocrats and they didn’t know what they were doing, which then caused more naval officers to get trained and educated especially to use a sextant. Another secondary effect was that you needed to know the exact time to use a sextant which then developed exact time keeping clocks.
Navy officers become in charge of math, science, and astrology.
Yeast is a mixture of flour and water. It eats bacteria and gives off carbon dioxide (Co2) and alcohol. This is important because the alcohol and carbon dioxide will help make fluffier bread out of the yeast. The bread is kneaded to help develop the gluten in the bread. When this bread is made, the yeast will no longer contain alcohol.
The Spanish “Pieces of Eight” became the new Spanish currency. A secondary effect was that after the discovery of the silver in Potosi, more people were send to mine for them. The tertiary effects are that some families lost their main providers and many people died from pneumonia because of the high altitudes of the Silver Mountain. Spain also entered inflation, and became poor because they had too much wealth.
Since at that time, British controlled about one-third of the world, in order to trade with them you needed to know the Imperial measurements. Some problems with these measurements were that they weren’t very easy to remember or to convert.
Stonehenge was built during the paleolithic times. We don’t know very much about the statue like who built and why they built it. But Stonehenge does show the position of the sun and the solstices, so maybe it was used to show the time of day? We don’t really know.
Using hyperbole can help you convince people if, for example, you want people to buy products that you made. It’s important to identify hyperbole because people might use it to exaggerate a bit too much, and it might get you fooled.
Glass helped advance all these areas of study. Glass was used to help make telescopes to view faraway stars and planets, in astronomy. In microbiology, glass was used to make microscopes to view very small objects like molecules. Glass helps create satellites and drones that would roam above cities to collect information about the structure of places, and then use this to create maps, cartography. Glass could be used in math by making different shapes out of glass and calculating the effect of light rays on the glass. Glass was a huge advancement in optometry because glass was used to inspect people eyes and then make lens to improve their sight. Glass also affected color theory because with shapes like glass prisms, when light shines through the prism shape, it gets divided into many different colors.
Eratosthenes knew that a city called Seine, which was directly south of Alexandria was on the tropic of cancer. On the tropic of cancer, at noon on the summer solstice, the sun was directly above. So at noon on the summer solstice he put a stick on the ground in Alexandria and measured the angle of the shadow cast from the sun. Eratosthenes then figured out that the angle was about a measure of 7.2 degrees, which meant that if there were two sticks put on the ground, one in Alexandria and one in Seine, and then the were sticks extended to the middle of earth it would make an angle of 7.2 degrees. 7.2 degrees is a 50th of 360 degrees (a whole circle). He then sent someone to measure the length between Alexandria and Seine and found that it was 800 miles. He then multiplied this value by 50 to get 40,000 miles, the circumference of the earth.
When the table sugar was meted it turned into a caramel colored solid. But when the isomalt melted it turned into a clear solid. This related to Optics because it shows how glass is made, an item that is used to make telescopes and other optical devices. When silica, without impurities, is heated up it turns into clear glass.
The glass could be used to make telescopes which would help you see smaller things better.
New Hampshire has a Bureau of Weights and Measures to regulate measurements. They have models for almost every measurement unit. The Bureau of Weights and Measures also deals with a lot measurement complaints about measurement models, such as gas.
The 1893 Columbian Exposition or the World’s fair was a humongous fair in Chicago that was used to compete against Europe’s fairs. It was huge and contained tons of stores and innovations from America, and people came to visit from everywhere. It was called the Columbian Exposition in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Columbus “discovering” America.
The percentage represents the amount of cocoa solids in the bar of chocolate.
GMT → All time is set in relation to GMT (Greenwich mean time)
Prime Meridian → Runs through the Greenwich observatory.
The Nile river flows upwards. Most rivers flow down but the Nile is different.
Primary Effect: clear, cheap, transparent, colorless glass
Secondary Effect: Grind and polish precision lenses
Tertiary Effect: Telescope, Microscope, Binoculars, Eyeglasses
Syria is in the Middle East on the Mediterranean
It was a very ancient Assyrian Empire
Very rich and proud culture ; clothes, talents, food, etc.
Syrians who want to get rid of the Assads.
Want to create a Muslim empire. They destroy anything or anybody who is not “Muslim enough”.
Forces who are loyal to the Assads.
All three groups hate each other