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Social Psychology Ch. 12

Social Psychology and Conformity

  • Social psychology- scientific study of how a person’s thought, feelings, and behavior are influenced by the real, imagined, or implied presence of others

  • Conformity- the attempt to change one’s own behavior to match that of other people; indirect pressure


  • Asch’s Research:

  1. Showed comparison lines to subjects

  2. 1st 6 subjects were confederates of experimenter instructed to select obviously wrong answer

  3. 7th subject the actual answer

  4. A

  5. Results: Overall conformity to group pressure

Groupthink and Compliance

  • Compliance- behavior that is initiated or changes in response to a direct request as opposed to a command or direct order

  • Groupthink- group cohesiveness supersedes objectively assessing the facts of a problem

  • Group polarization- tendency for members in a group discussion to take more extreme positions and suggest riskier action when compared to individuals who have not participated in a group discussion

Ways to Gain Compliance

  • Foot-in-the-door Technique- asking for small commitment and, after gaining compliance, asking for a bigger commitment; ex. auto sales “test drive”

  • Door-in-the-face technique- asking for a large commitment and being refused, then asking for a smaller commitment

  • Norm of reciprocity- assumption that if someone does something for a person, that person should do something for the other in return; ex, offering “free” soda and snacks

  • Lowball technique- getting a commitment from a person, then raising the cost of a commitment

  • That’s-not-all technique- persuader makes an offer, then adds something extra to make the offer look better


  • Obedience- changing one’s behavior at the command of an authority figure

  • Milgram study- “teacher” administered what they thought were real shocks to a “learner”

  • Research question- How many teachers would listen to Milgram’s commands to proceed through entire

  • Milgram Study Data: 67% proceeded through entire shock range despite “learner” being unconscious

  • Essential finding: People will easily obey an authority figure and do harm to others


  • Attitude-


Social Psychology Ch. 12

Social Psychology and Conformity

  • Social psychology- scientific study of how a person’s thought, feelings, and behavior are influenced by the real, imagined, or implied presence of others

  • Conformity- the attempt to change one’s own behavior to match that of other people; indirect pressure


  • Asch’s Research:

  1. Showed comparison lines to subjects

  2. 1st 6 subjects were confederates of experimenter instructed to select obviously wrong answer

  3. 7th subject the actual answer

  4. A

  5. Results: Overall conformity to group pressure

Groupthink and Compliance

  • Compliance- behavior that is initiated or changes in response to a direct request as opposed to a command or direct order

  • Groupthink- group cohesiveness supersedes objectively assessing the facts of a problem

  • Group polarization- tendency for members in a group discussion to take more extreme positions and suggest riskier action when compared to individuals who have not participated in a group discussion

Ways to Gain Compliance

  • Foot-in-the-door Technique- asking for small commitment and, after gaining compliance, asking for a bigger commitment; ex. auto sales “test drive”

  • Door-in-the-face technique- asking for a large commitment and being refused, then asking for a smaller commitment

  • Norm of reciprocity- assumption that if someone does something for a person, that person should do something for the other in return; ex, offering “free” soda and snacks

  • Lowball technique- getting a commitment from a person, then raising the cost of a commitment

  • That’s-not-all technique- persuader makes an offer, then adds something extra to make the offer look better


  • Obedience- changing one’s behavior at the command of an authority figure

  • Milgram study- “teacher” administered what they thought were real shocks to a “learner”

  • Research question- How many teachers would listen to Milgram’s commands to proceed through entire

  • Milgram Study Data: 67% proceeded through entire shock range despite “learner” being unconscious

  • Essential finding: People will easily obey an authority figure and do harm to others


  • Attitude-