Presented by Dr. Mohinder Pal
Understand the relationship between the chemical properties of glucose and its function.
Recognize the necessity of regulating glucose concentrations and the potential toxicity of glucose.
Comprehend the dual role of glucose as a fuel and structural component.
Emphasize the importance of asking basic questions regarding glucose metabolism.
Definition: The process of maintaining optimal metabolite concentrations and managing chemical energy reserves in tissues.
The degradative phase of metabolism that releases energy.
Anabolism (Biosynthesis):
The building phase of metabolism that requires energy.
Key metabolic pathways include amino acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, and lipid metabolism.
Metabolism is integrated among pathways and organs to maintain homeostasis.
Structure: C6H12O6
Daily consumption of glucose: ~200g (primarily for brain and red blood cells).
Maximum blood glucose content: 10g, necessitating constant replenishment through dietary carbohydrates, glycogen breakdown, and gluconeogenesis.
Rigorous control of blood glucose levels (ideally ~4.5 mM or 70−100 mg/100mL), with fluctuations post-meal.
It metabolises substrates other than glucose or ketone bodies
The brain is particularly sensitive to hypoglycemia due to:
Limited storage for glucose.
Inability to synthesize glucose.
Dependence on aerobic metabolism of glucose.
The brain cannot metabolize other substrates effectively, making it reliant on constant glucose supply.
Definition and significance of glucose.
Chemical properties of glucose.
Regulation of blood glucose levels by hormones (Insulin, and its relationship with diabetes).
Energy Production: Glucose is metabolized to produce ATP through glycolysis and the TCA cycle.
Storage: Glucose is stored as glycogen, linked by glycosidic bonds.
Glucose is an aldehyde with five hydroxyl (OH) groups, making it very polar.
Chemical configuration exhibits hemiacetal formation in cyclic structures (pyranose).
Glycosidic linkages link glucose molecules to form disaccharides and polysaccharides.
The formation of these linkages is non-spontaneous and requires activation of the OH group.
Enzyme: Glycogen synthase synthesizes glycogen.
Structure includes a nonreducing end and can elongate through UDP-glucose activation.
Diabetes Mellitus: A group of metabolic disorders characterized by prolonged high blood glucose levels due to either:
Insufficient insulin production by the pancreas.
Ineffective response to existing insulin.
Glycation: High glucose concentrations can modify proteins, leading to ailments associated with diabetes.
Glycation involves the non-enzymatic reaction between glucose and amino acids in proteins, leading to distinctive structural changes.
An indicator of diabetes as high glucose modifies hemoglobin, creating glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c).
Measurement of HbA1c: Techniques include electrophoretic separation and measurement of various forms to determine diabetes management.
Understand glucose chemistry and its linear and cyclic forms.
Recognize that high glucose concentrations facilitate unwanted protein glycation.
Importance of glucose uptake and storage.
Mechanisms of glucose transport into cells via glucose transporters.
Storage Sources:
Diet ➔ Glycogen ➔ Glucose ➔ Gluconeogenesis ➔ Energy (ATP).
Homeostasis Mechanism:
Low Blood Glucose: Pancreas releases glucagon.
High Blood Glucose: Pancreas releases insulin, prompting liver and fat cells to manage glucose levels.
Importance of membrane transporters for glucose cellular uptake.
Types of glucose transporters include:
Sodium-glucose active co-transporters (SGLT family)
Glucose Transporters (GLUT family)
Mechanisms of transporter action and their differing roles in maintaining glucose homeostasis.