
Glucose Metabolism: An Introduction

  • Presented by Dr. Mohinder Pal

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the relationship between the chemical properties of glucose and its function.

  • Recognize the necessity of regulating glucose concentrations and the potential toxicity of glucose.

  • Comprehend the dual role of glucose as a fuel and structural component.

  • Emphasize the importance of asking basic questions regarding glucose metabolism.

Metabolic Homeostasis

  • Definition: The process of maintaining optimal metabolite concentrations and managing chemical energy reserves in tissues.

  • Catabolism:

    • The degradative phase of metabolism that releases energy.

  • Anabolism (Biosynthesis):

    • The building phase of metabolism that requires energy.

  • Key metabolic pathways include amino acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, and lipid metabolism.

  • Metabolism is integrated among pathways and organs to maintain homeostasis.

Importance of Glucose

  • Structure: C6H12O6

  • Daily consumption of glucose: ~200g (primarily for brain and red blood cells).

  • Maximum blood glucose content: 10g, necessitating constant replenishment through dietary carbohydrates, glycogen breakdown, and gluconeogenesis.

  • Rigorous control of blood glucose levels (ideally ~4.5 mM or 70−100 mg/100mL), with fluctuations post-meal.

  • It metabolises substrates other than glucose or ketone bodies

Vulnerability of the Brain

  • The brain is particularly sensitive to hypoglycemia due to:

    • Limited storage for glucose.

    • Inability to synthesize glucose.

    • Dependence on aerobic metabolism of glucose.

  • The brain cannot metabolize other substrates effectively, making it reliant on constant glucose supply.

Key Areas to Learn/Remember

  • Definition and significance of glucose.

  • Chemical properties of glucose.

  • Regulation of blood glucose levels by hormones (Insulin, and its relationship with diabetes).

Glucose Metabolism Overview

  • Energy Production: Glucose is metabolized to produce ATP through glycolysis and the TCA cycle.

  • Storage: Glucose is stored as glycogen, linked by glycosidic bonds.

Structure and Chemistry of Glucose

  • Glucose is an aldehyde with five hydroxyl (OH) groups, making it very polar.

  • Chemical configuration exhibits hemiacetal formation in cyclic structures (pyranose).

Glycosidic Linkage

  • Glycosidic linkages link glucose molecules to form disaccharides and polysaccharides.

  • The formation of these linkages is non-spontaneous and requires activation of the OH group.

Glycogen Synthesis

  • Enzyme: Glycogen synthase synthesizes glycogen.

  • Structure includes a nonreducing end and can elongate through UDP-glucose activation.

Dangers of High Glucose Concentrations

  • Diabetes Mellitus: A group of metabolic disorders characterized by prolonged high blood glucose levels due to either:

    • Insufficient insulin production by the pancreas.

    • Ineffective response to existing insulin.

Protein Glycation and Its Effects

  • Glycation: High glucose concentrations can modify proteins, leading to ailments associated with diabetes.

  • Glycation involves the non-enzymatic reaction between glucose and amino acids in proteins, leading to distinctive structural changes.

Hemoglobin Glycation

  • An indicator of diabetes as high glucose modifies hemoglobin, creating glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c).

  • Measurement of HbA1c: Techniques include electrophoretic separation and measurement of various forms to determine diabetes management.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand glucose chemistry and its linear and cyclic forms.

  • Recognize that high glucose concentrations facilitate unwanted protein glycation.

Glucose Uptake and Storage

  • Importance of glucose uptake and storage.

  • Mechanisms of glucose transport into cells via glucose transporters.

Basic Glucose Cycle

  • Storage Sources:

    • Diet ➔ Glycogen ➔ Glucose ➔ Gluconeogenesis ➔ Energy (ATP).

Controlling Glucose Levels in Mammals

  • Homeostasis Mechanism:

    • Low Blood Glucose: Pancreas releases glucagon.

    • High Blood Glucose: Pancreas releases insulin, prompting liver and fat cells to manage glucose levels.

Glucose Transporters

  • Importance of membrane transporters for glucose cellular uptake.

  • Types of glucose transporters include:

    • Sodium-glucose active co-transporters (SGLT family)

    • Glucose Transporters (GLUT family)

  • Mechanisms of transporter action and their differing roles in maintaining glucose homeostasis.
