Offshore Type 1 Life Jacket:
Designed to turn an unconscious person face up in the water.
Class B Extinguishers:
Intended to extinguish gasoline and oil fires.
PASS Method:
Pull the pin.
Aim at the base of the fire.
Squeeze the handle.
Sweep side to side while aiming at the base of the fire.
Skipper should address everyone aboard regarding emergency procedures and equipment use.
Primary Consideration:
Think about how you will use the boat when buying.
Child’s Life Jacket:
Match the child's weight to the capacity of the PFD (Personal Flotation Device).
Filling Portable Fuel Tank:
Fill the tank at the fuel dock, not on the boat.
Gasoline Fume Accumulation:
Gasoline fumes tend to accumulate in the bilge.
Oily Rags in Bilge:
Remove immediately to reduce the risk of fire.
Float Plan:
Leave with a responsible person indicating intermediate stops and expected return date.
Before Starting Inboard Gasoline Engine:
Open the compartment cover and sniff for traces of gasoline fumes after running the engine compartment blower for at least four minutes.
Steering a Boat:
Boats pivot about a point approximately one third of the way from the bow to the stern, differing from automobile steering.
Required Equipment for Coastal Waters and Great Lakes:
Visual distress signals are mandatory.
Aerial Flare Advantage:
Pistol-fired red meteor aerial flares are visible over a longer distance than handheld red flares.
Mooring Lines:
Check the weather forecast before taking in all mooring lines for a day at sea.
Approaching a Dock:
Plan your approach considering wind and current conditions.
On a Large Lake with Strong Winds:
Have everyone put on their USCG approved PFDs.
Storing Visual Distress Signals:
Store in a cool, dry location in a red or orange watertight container, clearly marked as distress signals.
Good Trim Practices:
Load passengers and equipment alternately, checking trim frequently to maintain a level boat.
Reliable Weather Source:
Get up-to-date NOAA weather advisories on a VHF weather channel.
Pre-Departure Equipment Check:
Review fire extinguisher, lights, first aid kit, PFDs, etc., with everyone aboard.