powerpoint_Neonate Assessment_with Narration

Key Topics

Head and Face

  • Fontanelles

    • Soft spots on an infant's head.

    • Should feel firm and slightly inward.

    • Signs of Concern:

      • Sunken Fontanel: indicates dehydration; check skin turgor (elasticity)

      • Bulging Fontanelle: could indicate inflammation or increased intracranial pressure (ICP).

      • Bulging during crying or vomiting is common but should return to normal when calm.

  • Caput Succedaneum

    • Fluid collection between skin and periosteum due to trauma during delivery.

    • Characteristic: Crosses suture lines.

  • Choanal Atresia

    • Congenital disorder with blockage at the back of the nasal passage; caused by abnormal tissue and failed recanalization of the nasal fossae during development

  • Pierre Robin Sequence

    • Condition at birth with a small lower jaw and falling back of the tongue, causing breathing difficulties.

    • Management includes positioning prone and using oral airways as needed.

  • Cleft Lip/Palate

    • Congenital deformities affecting the upper lip and/or the roof of the mouth.

    • cleft lip and cleft palate can occur together or separately

    • high risk of aspiration when feeding, due to the opening in the hard and soft palate, and the nasal cavity

    • Requires surgical intervention.

Cardiovascular System

  • Patent Ductus Arteriosus

    • Persistence of a fetal blood vessel that should close after birth.

    • Can lead to heart failure if untreated.

Respiratory System

  • Periodic Breathing

    • Normal in infants, characterized by short pauses and irregular rates in breathing during sleep.

Body and Gastrointestinal Concerns

  • Jaundice

    • Common in newborns, characterized by yellowing of skin and sclera due to high bilirubin levels from red blood cell breakdown.

    • Typically resolves within 1-2 weeks but may require phototherapy (a special light the breaks down bilirubin molucules in water soluble isomers that are excreted by the body)

    • breastfeeding, increased nutrients and stimulate bowels

    • blood transfusion, albumin protein

    • High bilirubin can lead to encephalopathy if untreated, resulting in serious neurological issues.

  • Diaphragmatic Hernia

    • Abnormal opening in the diaphragm, affecting breathing.

    • Most common left-sided; mortality can be high (up to 50%).

    • Signs: Decreased breath sounds and a scaphoid abdomen.

    • DO NOT USE A BVM, it introduces air, distending the intestines

    • positive pressure ventilations needed, use advanced airway

    • requires surgical correction

  • Omphalocele and Gastroschisis

    • Gastroschisis: Notable defect in the abdominal wall with freely exposed content.

    • Omphalocele: Intestines protrude through the umbilical area, covered by membranes.

    • Both conditions require surgical intervention and careful management.

Neurological and Musculoskeletal Assessment

  • Myelomeningocele

    • A severe type of spina bifida with spinal canal opening.

    • Protected from pressure; hold the newborn on the side or prone.

Neonate Reflexes

  • Reflex Assessments

    • Moro Reflex: Startle reflex when startled.

    • Palmar Grasp Reflex: Grasping when the finger is placed in palm.

    • Rooting Reflex: Turning towards a stimulus around the mouth for breastfeeding.


  • Assess positioning and latch, especially in postpartum hemorrhage situations.

Diaper Output Monitoring

Average Output


Wet Diapers

Urine Colour

Poopy Diapers

Poop Colour


Number varies


Number varies



Number varies


Number varies



3 or more


3 or more



4 or more

Clear/Pale Yellow

3 or more

Greenish/Yellow, Seedy


6 or more

Clear/Pale Yellow

3 or more

Yellow, Seedy

Assessment upon Entry

  • Record observations and ask parents about:

    • Gestational age and pregnancy complications.

    • Feeding patterns and neonatal outputs.

    • Overall health of the household.
