Overview of the session: Chemistry is a fun way of learning about the tiny things that make up everything around us, like your toys, food, and even you! We're going to look at 15 different parts of chemistry today.
Target audience: This is for high school students, usually those in Year 9 and Year 10.
Atoms: Imagine atoms are like tiny building blocks that everything is made of.
Parts of an atom:
Protons: These are like the positive stickers on your blocks, making them happy!
Neutrons: These are like invisible stickers; they don't change anything, just there to keep things balanced.
Electrons: These are tiny negative stickers that zoom around the atom, like busy bees!
Inside an atom: Protons and neutrons are in the middle, which we call the nucleus, and electrons dance around the outside.
Atomic Number: This is like a special number that tells you how many protons are inside an atom. For example, carbon has 6 protons.
Mass Number: This number tells you how many protons and neutrons there are all together.
Neutral Atoms: Think of it like a team—an atom has to have the same number of protons and electrons to be balanced and not feel sad.
Electron arrangement: Electrons sit in different rings around the nucleus, kind of like layers of an onion.
The first ring can hold 2 electrons.
The second ring can hold up to 8 electrons.
Example with Carbon: So with carbon, it has 6 electrons: 2 sit in the first ring, and the other 4 are in the second ring.
Valence Shell: This is the outer layer where the electrons are. If this layer is full, the atom is happy and doesn’t want to play with others. If it's not full, it’s looking for friends to share with to be happy!
Example: Sodium has 1 electron in its outer layer, and chlorine has 7. They can share to become best buddies!
Ionic Bonds: Imagine one atom giving away a toy (an electron) to another atom. The first one becomes happy because it lost a toy and is now positive. The second one is happy because it got a toy and is now negative.
Example with Sodium: Sodium loses 1 electron and becomes Na+. Chlorine gains that electron and becomes Cl-.
Covalent Bonds: This is like two friends deciding to share a toy instead of giving them away.
Example with Water: In water, hydrogen and oxygen share electrons to work together and make something beautiful!
Acids: Imagine acids as things that can add a special kind of energy by giving away hydrogen ions (H+). Foods like lemons are acids!
Bases: These are like superheroes because they can give out hydroxide ions (OH-). Think of soap, which is a base!
The pH Scale: This is a ruler for measuring how sour (acidic) or slippery (basic) something is, with 7 being perfect.
Below 7 is sour, and above 7 is slippery.
Our blood likes to be between 7.35 to 7.45 to be happy and healthy!
Organic Compounds: These are special because they all have carbon inside!
Carbohydrates: Think of these as our body's candies. They have carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They come in parts:
Monosaccharides: These are like single candies.
Disaccharides: These are like a pack of two candies.
Polysaccharides: These are like big bags full of candies!
Proteins: These are like the builders of our body, made from ingredients called amino acids, which also have carbon. Nitrogen is also super important for building proteins.
Learning about atoms, how they’re put together, the types of connections they make, and the importance of acids, bases, and organic compounds is crucial.
Chemistry helps us understand how everything works around us and even how our bodies stay healthy!