1949 Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
1950 Immorality Act
1950 Population Registration Act
1950 Group Areas Act
1951 Bantu Authorities Act
1952 Pass Laws Act
1952 Native Laws Amendment Act
1953 Bantu Education Act
1953 Reservation of Separate Amenities Act
1954 Natives Resettlement Act
1955 Group Areas Development Act
1955 Western Areas Removal Scheme
1959 Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act
1959 University Education Act
Petty Apartheid: segregation in the routine of daily life - in restaurants, buses, swimming pools, and other public facilities
NP leaders: Malan, Strijdom
purpose: to create complete economic, social, and political white domination
examples of petty apartheid legislation:
Grand Apartheid: a unique system of racially biased laws that limit the personal freedom of all South African blacks and prohibit them from any significant political voice in their Government
Repressive Laws:
Censorship Laws:
red: Division and "classification"; segregation of populations and amenities;
yellow: creation of townships/ forced removals, bantustan systems & impacts on individuals
purple: segregation of education acts