Untitled Flashcards Set

Siempre = Always

yo = I

empiezo = start/begin

mi = my

fin de semana = weekend

cuando = when

yo = I

me despierto = wake up (reflexive form, "I wake up")

a = at

las ocho = eight (the hour)

de la mañana = in the morning

y = and

después de = after

despertarse = waking up (reflexive verb in its infinitive form)

yo = I

me visto = get dressed (reflexive form, "I dress myself")

para = for

béisbol = baseball

= Yes

me encanta = I love (literally "it enchants me")

el béisbol = baseball

no hay = there is nothing

nada igual = like it/nothing the same

Cuando = When

yo = I

juego = play

béisbol = baseball

yo = I

me siento = feel (reflexive form, "I feel")

muy feliz = very happy

Yo fui = I went

a = to

Bancroft = Bancroft (a place name)

adonde = where (to where)

mi amigo = my friend

Amador = Amador (a name)

te = you

molestas = annoy (second person singular "you annoy")

yo = me

Después de esto = After this

yo = I

me ducho = take a shower (reflexive form, "I shower myself")

y = and

luego = then

me seco = dry off (reflexive form, "I dry myself")

y = and

me acuesto = lie down/go to bed (reflexive form, "I put myself to bed")

porque = because

me falta = I lack/I am missing

sueño = sleep
