repartee: a quick witty reply, spirited conversation
ribald: vulgar or indecent language
salubrious: favorable to health
ruminate: to muse upon
sangfroid: extraordinary composure in the face of danger
saturnine: sullen, gloomy, depressed
sylvan: wooded; forest-like
synergy: the combined force of two distinct elements that is more powerful than each alone
temporize: to compromise, to draw something out in order to gain time
timorous: fearful, easily frightened
usury: lending money at a high interest rate
vacuous: empty, lacking intelligence
veneer: façade, coating, outward appearance
verdant: covered with green plants, leafy
vicarious: acting for another, sharing in an experience of another through the imagination
wont: custom, habit
zephyr: a gentle breeze
aphasia: loss of speech
arrant: notoriously without moderation
claque: an audience paid to clap, an obsequious audience