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Key Terms:

Set prayer: Prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person (eg. The Lord’s Prayer)

Formal Prayer: Prayer that is made up by an individual using his or her own words

What is Prayer?

Prayer is communicating with god in silence or aloud with others or alone using set prayers or informal prayers. Sometimes Christians say a set pray before eating a meal to thank god for providing what they need to live. Other Christians might pray spontaneously for there meal using there own words in an informal pray “Bless us oh lord and these your gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty through Christ our lord amen”

How do people pray?

People may pray in a humble position kneeling down sometimes with hands pressed together. In orthodox services people stand to pray, nonconformist often sit Anglicans may kneel and other Christians may raise there hands to invite the holy spirit into there life's. Catholics may use a rosary, while orthodox Christians use icons to aid prayer.

Examples of Set Prayer:

The Lord’s Prayer: The prayer taught to the disciples by Jesus; also known as the ‘Our Father’.

“Bless us, O lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen” – Catholic Grace

Does God answer prayers?

Christians believe that god will answer prayers but not always in the ways that the person would like (see Jesus prayers in the garden of Gethsemane in mark 14:32-36).

Importance of Lords Prayer:

Individual: Pattern for how to pray as it combines praise and asking for ones needs

Community: Gives congregation a communal feeling. Said at Holy communion, marriages, baptisms and funerals.

Non-believers: Sense of unity and spiritual purpose at important times. EG. Recited at a commemoration of a tragic event.


Key Terms:

Set prayer: Prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person (eg. The Lord’s Prayer)

Formal Prayer: Prayer that is made up by an individual using his or her own words

What is Prayer?

Prayer is communicating with god in silence or aloud with others or alone using set prayers or informal prayers. Sometimes Christians say a set pray before eating a meal to thank god for providing what they need to live. Other Christians might pray spontaneously for there meal using there own words in an informal pray “Bless us oh lord and these your gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty through Christ our lord amen”

How do people pray?

People may pray in a humble position kneeling down sometimes with hands pressed together. In orthodox services people stand to pray, nonconformist often sit Anglicans may kneel and other Christians may raise there hands to invite the holy spirit into there life's. Catholics may use a rosary, while orthodox Christians use icons to aid prayer.

Examples of Set Prayer:

The Lord’s Prayer: The prayer taught to the disciples by Jesus; also known as the ‘Our Father’.

“Bless us, O lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen” – Catholic Grace

Does God answer prayers?

Christians believe that god will answer prayers but not always in the ways that the person would like (see Jesus prayers in the garden of Gethsemane in mark 14:32-36).

Importance of Lords Prayer:

Individual: Pattern for how to pray as it combines praise and asking for ones needs

Community: Gives congregation a communal feeling. Said at Holy communion, marriages, baptisms and funerals.

Non-believers: Sense of unity and spiritual purpose at important times. EG. Recited at a commemoration of a tragic event.