Acts 3-5 Vocabulary

Act 3 Vocabulary:

Abridged: (verb) to lessen or reduce in duration

Bequeathing: (verb) to dispose of (personal property, especially money) by last will; to hand down, pass on.

Carrion: (noun) dead and putrefying flesh

Coffer: (noun) a box or chest, especially one for valuables; treasury funds

Cumber: (verb) to hinder or hamper

Dint: (noun)force or stroke

Enfranchisement: (Noun/verb) to grant a franchise to; admit to citizenship, especially to the right of voting.

Extenuated: (verb, past tense) to represent (a fault, offense, etc.) as less serious

Interred: (verb, past tense) to place (a dead body) in a grave or tomb; bury

Mantle: (noun) a loose, sleeveless cloak or cape; something that covers, envelops, or conceals

Oration: (noun) a formal public speech, especially one delivered on a special occasion, as on an anniversary, at a funeral, or at academic exercises.

Rent: (noun)rip or hole

Vanquished: (verb)to defeat or get rid off; eliminate

Unassailable: (adj.) not open to attack or assault, as by military force or argument; not subject to dispute

Acts 4-5 Vocabulary

Chastisement: (noun) severe criticism; a rebuke or strong reprimand.

Ensign: (noun) a flag or banner, as a military or naval standard used to indicate nationality.

Exigent: (adj) requiring immediate action or aid; urgent; pressing.

Kites: (noun) birds of prey

Mirth: (noun) gaiety or jollity, especially when accompanied by laughter

Nimbleness: (adj) quick and light in movement; moving with ease; agile; active; rapid

Parley: (noun) a discussion or conference

Peevish: (adj) cross or fretful

Presage: (noun) something that portends or foreshadows a future event; an omen, prognostic, or warning indication.

Provender: (noun) dry hay or oats…food for livestock

Reveler: (noun) one who partakes in boisterous merrymaking or festivity

Spoil: (noun) the act of looting (plunder, pillage, or rob)

Stoicism: (noun) conduct conforming to the precepts of the Stoics, as repression of emotion and indifference to pleasure or pain.

Vaunting: (adj) having a boastfully proud disposition

Waspish: (adj.) snappish