Mitosis begins and ends with diploid cells. Meiosis I only occurs in egg and sperm cells. Meiosis is the division of gametes. There are two divisions in meiosis, meiosis I, ande meiosis II, which are nearly identical to mitosis, except the chromosome number is cut in half. Haploid equals half the full number of chromosomes. Every organism must be diploid. It must have a full set of chromosomes. Sex cells become haploid so that when they combine during fertilization, the diploid number is restored in the offspring. In prophase, one of meiosis chromosomes become visible the nucleus, dissolves, and central extend. During prophase one crossing over, also happens crossing over is the exchange of genetic information between homologous chromosomes. This increases genetic diversity during metaphase. One chromosomes are moved to the middle homologous chromosomes are placed next to each other they lineup at randomly, and it adds to variation during anaphase, one central pull the chromosomes into different halves of the cell during telophase, one central disappear, the nuclei reform, and cytokinesis, which is the cytoplasm divides occurs. during prophase two there are now two sets of cells both will undergo meiosis two resulting in four haploid sex cells during metaphase two the cental attach and move chromosomes to the middle during Anna phase 2, the central's pull the chromosomes apart during telophase two the same things happen as phase one also followed by cytokinesis. sexual reproduction is offspring that have genetic input from two parents asexual reproduction is offspring that has genetic input from one parent