Combining Form | Meaning | Example |
acromi/o | acromion (projection of the scapula) | acromial (acromi/al) pertaining to the acromium (from the Greek words akron = extremity, tip + omos = shoulder). |
ankyl/o | stiffness | ankylosis (ankyl/osis) pathological condition of stiffness, a bent and stiff joint (from the Greek word agkylos = bent). |
arthr/o | joint | arthritis (arthr/itis) inflammation of the joint (from the Greek word arthron = joint). |
brachi/o | arm | brachialgia (brachi/algia) pain in the arm (from the Latin word brachium = arm). |
carp/o | carpus (wrist bone) | carpoptosis (carp/o/ptosis) wrist drop (from the Greek words karpos = wrist + ptosis = a falling). |
cephal/o | head | cephalomegaly (cephal/o/megaly) enlargement of the head (from the Greek words kephale = head and megale = large). |
humer/o | humerus (upper arm bone) | humeroulnar (humer/o/ulnar) relating to both the humerus and the ulna (from the Latin words humerus = upper arm or shoulder + ulna = elbow). |
ischi/o | ischium (lower part of the hip) | ischiofemoral (ischi/o/femoral) relating to the ischium and the femur (from the Greek word ischion = the socket of the hip joint + the Latin word femur = thigh). |