European History
AP European History
Roman Catholic Church
Pope as the leader
Seven Sacraments
Eastern Catholic Churches
Various rites (e.g., Maronite, Byzantine)
Communion with Rome
Founded by Martin Luther
Justification by faith
The Church of England
Book of Common Prayer
Believer's baptism
Congregational governance
Founded by John Wesley
Emphasis on social justice
Eastern Orthodoxy
Autocephalous churches (e.g., Greek, Russian)
Sacred Tradition
Oriental Orthodoxy
Non-Chalcedonian churches
Coptic, Armenian, Ethiopian traditions
Focus on personal conversion
Authority of Scripture
Charismatic Movement
Emphasis on spiritual gifts
Worship style
Church of Christ
Restoration of New Testament Christianity
Baptism for remission of sins
Seventh-day Adventism
Observance of Saturday Sabbath
Emphasis on the Second Coming
Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)
Inner light and direct experience of God
Christian Science
Healing through prayer and understanding of God
This mind map provides an overview of the diverse branches and movements within Christianity, highlighting their unique characteristics and beliefs.