Unit H - Promotions

1. What is the role of promotions in marketing function? Advertising intended to inform prospective

customers of special sales. It announces the arrival of new and seasonal goods, and it features, creates, and

promotes a market for the merchandise items in regular stock.

2. What are the types of promotion?

Product promotion

● Creates an interest in the product.

● Introduces new products and businesses

● Explains a product

● Sells a specific produ

Institutional promotion

● Creates a favorable impression and goodwill for a business or an organization.

● Presents information about the company's role in the community.

● Sells a company's image

3. What are the elements of the promotional mix? Advertising, public relations, direct marketing,

sales promotion, personal selling

4. What are the different channels used to communicate with targeted audiences?

a. Advertising Media (TV, Newspaper, Magazine)

b. Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

c. Digital Media (CD, DVD, Videos)

d. Word-of-Mouth

e. Direct Marketing (Mail & Email)

f. Sales Promotions (Coupons & Samples)

g. Trade show/Exposition

h. Public Relations (Press release, news article, press conference)

5. What are the different types of advertising media and associated costs, including

social media?

a. Print Media: Newspaper, Magazine, Direct Mail - coupons, menus delivered by mail, Outdoor Advertising - billboards,

skywriting, blimps, Directories - phone books like the yellow pages, Transit - bus, subway, and train

b. Broadcast Media: Radio, Television, Internet

c. Social Media: Social Networks (Facebook & LinkedIn), Bookmarking Sites (Pinterest, Instapaper), Social News (Reddit),

Media Sharing (YouTube & Instagram), Microblogging (Twitter), Blog Comment and Forums (Wix, LinkedIn, Blogger)

6. What are the components of advertisements?

a. Heading - The key part of the sales message, may also contain subheads that either clarify or amplify the thought in the


b. Illustrations - Most effective way to draw the reader's attention, illustrations that takes up 50 percent or more of the

ad space increases readership by as much as 37 percent.

c. White space - Use as much as possible to minimize distractions and draw attention to what matters most, does not have

to be white - just absent of illustrations and text.

d. Copy - Expands benefits offered in the headline and is conversationally writte

e. Signature - Is often a company logo or logotype and should not overpower other important aspects of the


7. What are the various public relations activities?

Internal audience

a. Internal public relations activities are activities designed to keep groups within a company informed about various

activities in order to maintain a good image for the company, its products and services.

b. Internal audiences may include:

i. Staff / Employees

ii. Top Management

iii. Board of Directors

External audience

c. External public relations activities are activities designed to keep groups outside a company informed about various

activities in order to maintain a good image for the company, its products and services.

d. External audiences may include:

i. General Public/Customers

ii. Partner Organizations

iii. Donors/Funders

8. What are the differences between internal and external audiences for public relations


● Internal public relations activities are activities designed to keep groups within a company informed about various

activities in order to maintain a good image for the company, its products and services.

● External public relations activities are activities designed to keep groups outside a company informed about various

activities in order to maintain a good image for the company, its products and services.

9. What is the nature of a promotional plan?

A promotional plan identifies where, when, and how advertising, personal selling, PR, sales promotion, and direct marketi

tactics will be used to support sales and branding objectives.

10. How are activities coordinated in a promotional plan?

● Objectives - Have a clear starting position; awareness of opinions, behavior and knowledge of the target audience; and available

time and resources.

● Market targets - Decide who exactly is to be the audience. Targeting the promotional activities and communications message to

a specific audience guarantees a higher rate of success or return on investmen

● Contents:

○ The message - There are three principles that should be remembered when developing the communications or

promotional message:

■ Budget - Determine a preliminary promotions budget. This initial estimate will be modified as the planning proce

proceeds and formal quotations are obtained.

■ Promotional elements and tactics - Among the various elements of promotions are advertising, personal selling,

reseller support, publicity, sales promotion and supplemental activities such as public relations.

■ Measure results - Results must be evaluated. The results will determine whether the planned activities should

continue or be revised.

● The KISS Principle (Keep It Simple Silly)

● The AIDA Principle (Attention/Interest/Desire/Action)

● Communication objectives:

○ to be received (heard or read)

○ to be understood

○ to be accepted

○ to get action (change of behavior or attitude)
