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Bible Notes

The main characters  

  1. God (father, son, holy spirit)  

  • God is the creator of all things  

  • God is love  

  • God is relational  

  • God is holy (all good, perfect)  


  1. Humans  

  • Imago Dei (image of God)  

  • Now have a “sinful nature” (naturally inclined to sin)  

  • Have free will  


  1. The Devil/Satan  

  • Is a created Being  

  • Is a cherub (covering cherub who is next to God’s throne)  

  • “Lucifer” - the light bearer  

  • Rebelled against God  

  • Expelled from heaven  

  • Convinced 1/3 of the angels  

God’s “Problem” 

The Fall - Genesis 3 

  • Problem 1: God’s relationship with his creation (humans) is corrupted. 

  • Human Sinfulness can not exist next to God’s holiness 


  • Problem 2: God’s character is “maligned” (Lucifer has accused God) 

  • Lucifer’s lies 

  1. God is not trustworthy 

  1. God is withholding truth & opportunity 

  1. God is too harsh 

  • Humans often see God this way: 

  1. Absent - created us & left 

  1. Santa - creepy recording gift giver 

  1. Despot - rule with an iron fist 

  1. Permissive - do whatever (doesn’t care) 


  • God’s solution to his “problems” 

  • God will send a “he” through the woman to “kill” Satan/Lucifer 

  • God will let sin “run its course” 


God’s Covenant 

The Covenant Solution 

  • One of God’s solutions to the relationship is to make a covenant. 

  • Definition of a Covenant: A conditional agreement between 2 parties. 


Covenants in the Bible 

  • The rainbow 

  • Abraham’s promise 


Everyday covenants 

  • Having a job 

  • Being in a marriage 


Ancient Covenant Ritual 

In 9 simple steps 


  1. Trade coats/robes 

  1. Trade belts (significance bc the money/weapons were in their belts) 

  1. Take an animal and cut it in half (take out insides too) to make a bloody path 

  1. Cut palm and shake hands 

  1. Trade names 

  1. Scar the cut that was on their palm 

  1. Read the terms together and Agree the terms 

  1. Have a feast 

  1. Plant a tree 


God’s Covenant with His People 

  1. Abraham (Genesis 12) 

  • He will make Abraham a great nation (Jewish, Islam) 

  • Abraham will be blessed and his name will be great.  

  • He will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.  

  • The people on earth will be blessed through you. 


2. Covenant Continues : Abraham -> Isaac -> Jacob (becomes Israel) -> 12 sons (Judah, Joseph) -> Egypt for ~400 years -> Moses 


E. The “Mosaic” Covenant 


  1. As Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt, God establishes the full/detailed covenant with them. 

  2. Terms (Debt 10:12-22) 

  • Fear God (high respect/reverence) 

  • Obey Him (10 Commandments) 

  • Love him 

  • Serve the Lord with all your heart and soul 


10 commandments 

  1. No other God’s 

  1. No images 

  1. No lords name in vand 

  1. Remember the Sabbath/keep it holy 

  1. Honor your mother and father 

  1. Do not murder 

  1. Do not commit adultery 

  1. Do not steel 

  1. Do not lie 

  1. Do not covet 

Covenants from Leviticus 26

1-2 best blessings in Lev. 26:

  • peace without war

  • no suffering

  • no beasts will attack you

1-2 worse curses:

  • He will eat your sons/daughters

  • kill you 7 times

  • wild animals will take your kids and take your stuff

  • you will be fearful

There are blessings for keeping the covenant & curses fro breaking it.

  1. They knew ahead of time both the positives and the negatives

  2. Escalating levels of disobedience:

  1. Disobedience

  2. Continual/willful disobedience

  3. Rebellion

  4. Ignore

  5. Hostility



Bible Notes

The main characters  

  1. God (father, son, holy spirit)  

  • God is the creator of all things  

  • God is love  

  • God is relational  

  • God is holy (all good, perfect)  


  1. Humans  

  • Imago Dei (image of God)  

  • Now have a “sinful nature” (naturally inclined to sin)  

  • Have free will  


  1. The Devil/Satan  

  • Is a created Being  

  • Is a cherub (covering cherub who is next to God’s throne)  

  • “Lucifer” - the light bearer  

  • Rebelled against God  

  • Expelled from heaven  

  • Convinced 1/3 of the angels  

God’s “Problem” 

The Fall - Genesis 3 

  • Problem 1: God’s relationship with his creation (humans) is corrupted. 

  • Human Sinfulness can not exist next to God’s holiness 


  • Problem 2: God’s character is “maligned” (Lucifer has accused God) 

  • Lucifer’s lies 

  1. God is not trustworthy 

  1. God is withholding truth & opportunity 

  1. God is too harsh 

  • Humans often see God this way: 

  1. Absent - created us & left 

  1. Santa - creepy recording gift giver 

  1. Despot - rule with an iron fist 

  1. Permissive - do whatever (doesn’t care) 


  • God’s solution to his “problems” 

  • God will send a “he” through the woman to “kill” Satan/Lucifer 

  • God will let sin “run its course” 


God’s Covenant 

The Covenant Solution 

  • One of God’s solutions to the relationship is to make a covenant. 

  • Definition of a Covenant: A conditional agreement between 2 parties. 


Covenants in the Bible 

  • The rainbow 

  • Abraham’s promise 


Everyday covenants 

  • Having a job 

  • Being in a marriage 


Ancient Covenant Ritual 

In 9 simple steps 


  1. Trade coats/robes 

  1. Trade belts (significance bc the money/weapons were in their belts) 

  1. Take an animal and cut it in half (take out insides too) to make a bloody path 

  1. Cut palm and shake hands 

  1. Trade names 

  1. Scar the cut that was on their palm 

  1. Read the terms together and Agree the terms 

  1. Have a feast 

  1. Plant a tree 


God’s Covenant with His People 

  1. Abraham (Genesis 12) 

  • He will make Abraham a great nation (Jewish, Islam) 

  • Abraham will be blessed and his name will be great.  

  • He will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.  

  • The people on earth will be blessed through you. 


2. Covenant Continues : Abraham -> Isaac -> Jacob (becomes Israel) -> 12 sons (Judah, Joseph) -> Egypt for ~400 years -> Moses 


E. The “Mosaic” Covenant 


  1. As Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt, God establishes the full/detailed covenant with them. 

  2. Terms (Debt 10:12-22) 

  • Fear God (high respect/reverence) 

  • Obey Him (10 Commandments) 

  • Love him 

  • Serve the Lord with all your heart and soul 


10 commandments 

  1. No other God’s 

  1. No images 

  1. No lords name in vand 

  1. Remember the Sabbath/keep it holy 

  1. Honor your mother and father 

  1. Do not murder 

  1. Do not commit adultery 

  1. Do not steel 

  1. Do not lie 

  1. Do not covet 

Covenants from Leviticus 26

1-2 best blessings in Lev. 26:

  • peace without war

  • no suffering

  • no beasts will attack you

1-2 worse curses:

  • He will eat your sons/daughters

  • kill you 7 times

  • wild animals will take your kids and take your stuff

  • you will be fearful

There are blessings for keeping the covenant & curses fro breaking it.

  1. They knew ahead of time both the positives and the negatives

  2. Escalating levels of disobedience:

  1. Disobedience

  2. Continual/willful disobedience

  3. Rebellion

  4. Ignore

  5. Hostility

