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Social Studies Review Sheet

Native Tribes

  • Mayans and Aztecs build Empires in Central America

  • The Iroquois lived in Longhouses and were native to New York.

  • Sioux lived in Tee Pees/liked buffalos


  • Mercantilism: is when a powerful country sets up colonies in other places to get raw materials like wood and metals. This helps the mother country become richer.

  • During the ice age, they crossed the land bridge from Asia to North America. Beringia. (Land bridge theory)

  • Why were Europeans able to defeat and take the land from Native Americans: The spread of diseases that Native Americans did not have immunity to (smallpox)

13 Colonies

Middle Colonies

  • The names of the colonies are Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware

  • The Geography and Climate were rich farmland and a moderate climate with less harsh winters, which made farming much easier

  • They farmed grains since farming was easy, and these colonies were able to provide food for their people to send to other colonies (nickname: breadbasket colonies)

  • Because of the location of the Middle Colonies, people also made a living through fishing.

  • In the Middle Colonies, people were from a variety of different cultures.

    New England:

  • Rocky Rocky soil, thin land, A lot of forests, Natural harbors, not a lot of flat land; Long winters (cold and snowy) short summers

  • Fishing (lobsters, cod, clams) whale oil and blubber Shipbuilding Trading

  • They believed in Jesus


  • They relied on agriculture and planters

  • Mild Winters and Hot summers

  • They were able to make a living by fishing

  • A variety of different cultures

Road to Revolution

  • Stamp Act: A law that required colonists to pay for printed goods, which carried a stamp as proof of payment

  • Townshend Acts: A British law that placed taxes on tea, paper, lead, paint, glass, and imported goods

  • Tea Act: A British law that states colonists must buy their tea directly from Britain

  • Intolerable Acts: British law that was created to punish Boston colonists for the Boston Tea Party

  • Proclamation of 1763: This act did not allow colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains

  • Sugar Act: This law was passed by the British Parliament setting a tax on sugar imported by the colonies

  • Boston Massacre: An incident on March 5th, 1770, in which British soldiers killed 5 colonists

  • Quartering Act: British law that required colonists to give housing to British soldiers

  • Writs of assistance: were legal documents used in the 18th century that allowed British officials to search colonists' homes and businesses for smuggled goods without specific warrants.

  • “The shot heard around the world”: The first shot of the American Revolution fired at Lexington, Massachusetts in April 1775. No one knows who fired this shot

American Revolutionary War

  • What was the name given to Americans who supported independence? Patriots

  • What was the name given to Americans who supported the British? Loyalists

Creating a republic

  • What was one problem with the Articles of Confederation? It had a weak central government with no president. Could not enforce laws.

  • What part of government was given more power under the Constitution? Federal Government

  • The senate has 100 members

  • Representatives have 435 members

  • 9 Justices in the Supreme Court

  • Shays Rebellion: The rebellion was fueled by economic grievances, particularly the financial difficulties faced by farmers, including high taxes and debts.

  • Federalism: is a system of government where power is shared between a national government and a state government

  • Federalists supported a strong national government and the new U.S. Constitution. They believed it would create a better and more stable government.

  • Anti-Federalists wanted strong state governments and worried that a powerful national government might take away people's freedoms. They wanted protections for individual rights.

  • Amendments:

  • Concurrent Powers: Powers that the Federal government shares with state governments.

  • Delegated Powers: Powers that are only given to the Federal government.

  • Reserved Powers: Powers that strictly belong to the state governments.

  • How a bill becomes a law: First, it starts as an idea then it gets sent to town/state if approved goes to the House of reps if approved goes to the Senate if that happens then it goes to the president can either sign it and it becomes a law or they can veto it and the bill goes back to start
    Presidential Powers:

  • Chief Executive: Executes the laws (domestic issues)

  • Chief Diplomat: Negotiates with Foreign Countries (Foreign Affairs)

  • Chief Legislator: Signs or vetoes legislation, introduces legislation, works with congress

  • Commander in Chief: Runs the armed forces

    Changing America:

  • Indian Removal Act: The Indian Removal Act of 1830 forced many Native American tribes to move to lands west of the Mississippi River, causing great suffering and loss.

  • What does Manifest Destiny mean: It is the belief that it is the United States’ destiny to control all land from the east coast to the west coast.

  • The Oregon Trail was a historic wagon route that pioneers used in the 19th century to travel from Missouri to Oregon in search of fertile land and new opportunities.

  • In 1818 what two countries signed a treaty agreeing to share control of Oregon? US AND BRITAIN

  • Battle of the Alamo: Texans lost this battle to the Mexicans but demonstrated determination to seek independence. “Remember the Alamo”

  • Treaty of Guadalope Hidalgo: Treaty that ended the war between the United States and Mexico. Mexico ceded (gave) this territory to the US: California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, most of Arizona and Colorado.

  • Erie Canal: Man-made waterway that connected the Hudson River to the western part of NY (Lake Erie). Helped to increase trade and the economy of New York.

Social Studies Review Sheet

Native Tribes

  • Mayans and Aztecs build Empires in Central America

  • The Iroquois lived in Longhouses and were native to New York.

  • Sioux lived in Tee Pees/liked buffalos


  • Mercantilism: is when a powerful country sets up colonies in other places to get raw materials like wood and metals. This helps the mother country become richer.

  • During the ice age, they crossed the land bridge from Asia to North America. Beringia. (Land bridge theory)

  • Why were Europeans able to defeat and take the land from Native Americans: The spread of diseases that Native Americans did not have immunity to (smallpox)

13 Colonies

Middle Colonies

  • The names of the colonies are Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware

  • The Geography and Climate were rich farmland and a moderate climate with less harsh winters, which made farming much easier

  • They farmed grains since farming was easy, and these colonies were able to provide food for their people to send to other colonies (nickname: breadbasket colonies)

  • Because of the location of the Middle Colonies, people also made a living through fishing.

  • In the Middle Colonies, people were from a variety of different cultures.

    New England:

  • Rocky Rocky soil, thin land, A lot of forests, Natural harbors, not a lot of flat land; Long winters (cold and snowy) short summers

  • Fishing (lobsters, cod, clams) whale oil and blubber Shipbuilding Trading

  • They believed in Jesus


  • They relied on agriculture and planters

  • Mild Winters and Hot summers

  • They were able to make a living by fishing

  • A variety of different cultures

Road to Revolution

  • Stamp Act: A law that required colonists to pay for printed goods, which carried a stamp as proof of payment

  • Townshend Acts: A British law that placed taxes on tea, paper, lead, paint, glass, and imported goods

  • Tea Act: A British law that states colonists must buy their tea directly from Britain

  • Intolerable Acts: British law that was created to punish Boston colonists for the Boston Tea Party

  • Proclamation of 1763: This act did not allow colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains

  • Sugar Act: This law was passed by the British Parliament setting a tax on sugar imported by the colonies

  • Boston Massacre: An incident on March 5th, 1770, in which British soldiers killed 5 colonists

  • Quartering Act: British law that required colonists to give housing to British soldiers

  • Writs of assistance: were legal documents used in the 18th century that allowed British officials to search colonists' homes and businesses for smuggled goods without specific warrants.

  • “The shot heard around the world”: The first shot of the American Revolution fired at Lexington, Massachusetts in April 1775. No one knows who fired this shot

American Revolutionary War

  • What was the name given to Americans who supported independence? Patriots

  • What was the name given to Americans who supported the British? Loyalists

Creating a republic

  • What was one problem with the Articles of Confederation? It had a weak central government with no president. Could not enforce laws.

  • What part of government was given more power under the Constitution? Federal Government

  • The senate has 100 members

  • Representatives have 435 members

  • 9 Justices in the Supreme Court

  • Shays Rebellion: The rebellion was fueled by economic grievances, particularly the financial difficulties faced by farmers, including high taxes and debts.

  • Federalism: is a system of government where power is shared between a national government and a state government

  • Federalists supported a strong national government and the new U.S. Constitution. They believed it would create a better and more stable government.

  • Anti-Federalists wanted strong state governments and worried that a powerful national government might take away people's freedoms. They wanted protections for individual rights.

  • Amendments:

  • Concurrent Powers: Powers that the Federal government shares with state governments.

  • Delegated Powers: Powers that are only given to the Federal government.

  • Reserved Powers: Powers that strictly belong to the state governments.

  • How a bill becomes a law: First, it starts as an idea then it gets sent to town/state if approved goes to the House of reps if approved goes to the Senate if that happens then it goes to the president can either sign it and it becomes a law or they can veto it and the bill goes back to start
    Presidential Powers:

  • Chief Executive: Executes the laws (domestic issues)

  • Chief Diplomat: Negotiates with Foreign Countries (Foreign Affairs)

  • Chief Legislator: Signs or vetoes legislation, introduces legislation, works with congress

  • Commander in Chief: Runs the armed forces

    Changing America:

  • Indian Removal Act: The Indian Removal Act of 1830 forced many Native American tribes to move to lands west of the Mississippi River, causing great suffering and loss.

  • What does Manifest Destiny mean: It is the belief that it is the United States’ destiny to control all land from the east coast to the west coast.

  • The Oregon Trail was a historic wagon route that pioneers used in the 19th century to travel from Missouri to Oregon in search of fertile land and new opportunities.

  • In 1818 what two countries signed a treaty agreeing to share control of Oregon? US AND BRITAIN

  • Battle of the Alamo: Texans lost this battle to the Mexicans but demonstrated determination to seek independence. “Remember the Alamo”

  • Treaty of Guadalope Hidalgo: Treaty that ended the war between the United States and Mexico. Mexico ceded (gave) this territory to the US: California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, most of Arizona and Colorado.

  • Erie Canal: Man-made waterway that connected the Hudson River to the western part of NY (Lake Erie). Helped to increase trade and the economy of New York.