3rd article latinx

Introduction to the Study

The study investigates the effects of cultural orientation on the parenting practices of Puerto Rican adolescent mothers and how these practices influence child behaviors, specifically compliance and defiance. The emphasis is placed on understanding the dynamics of parenting in the context of cultural influences, particularly for mothers with backgrounds of high poverty.

Objectives of the Study

  • The primary aim is to assess how maternal behaviors related to compliance and defiance in toddlers vary according to the cultural orientation (American and Latino) of their Puerto Rican-origin mothers.

  • It highlights the long-term consequences of parenting styles on a child's adjustment and regulatory behaviors.

Key Findings

  1. Maternal guidance correlates highly with child compliance, showing no substantial variations based on cultural orientation, but increased enculturation corresponds with higher compliance in children.

  2. Conversely, increased control exercised by mothers is linked to greater defiance among children, primarily in mothers who exhibit higher levels of acculturation.

Literature Review

  • Adolescent Motherhood

    • Latina adolescents (ages 15 to 19) show the highest birthrates in the U.S. and often face unique challenges that may impact their parenting effectiveness.

    • Stressors like geographical separation from family, discrimination, and poverty further complicate their parenting practices.

  • Cultural Influences

    • Concepts such as acculturation (adopting the host culture) and enculturation (retaining one’s original culture) are essential in understanding parenting practices.

    • The study builds on ecological theory, positing that child development is influenced by both direct maternal behaviors and broader sociocultural contexts.


  • Participants

    • The sample comprised 123 Puerto Rican adolescent mothers with toddlers aged 24 months.

    • Participants were primarily recruited in low-income neighborhoods, emphasizing the socio-economic challenges faced by these families.

  • Procedure

    • Mothers' parenting behaviors were analyzed during a clean-up task where maternal guidance and control were assessed. Child behaviors were recorded and coded for compliance and defiance.

Measurement Tools

  • Maternal and Child Behavior Coding

    • Behaviors were assessed using standardized coding systems that distinguished between guidance (supportive, encouraging behavior) and control (directive, commanding behavior).

    • Child behaviors included committed compliance versus defiance, which was displayed through negative emotional responses such as tantrums.

  • Cultural Orientation Assessment

    • The cultural orientation was measured using a self-report questionnaire assessing both acculturation and enculturation utilizing established scales (e.g., ARSMA-II).

Key Variables Examined

  • Acculturation and Enculturation

  • Child Reactivity - Assessed at 18 months to control for child behavioral predispositions.

  • Life Stress - Evaluated to understand its impact on parenting styles and child behaviors.

Results Analysis

  • The path analysis indicated that maternal guidance significantly predicted child compliance ( β = .54) while maternal control's predictive capability on child defiance was moderated by acculturation levels.

  • At higher levels of acculturation, maternal control was correlated with increased child defiance (β = .26).


  • The findings underscore the complexity of parenting behaviors among Latina mothers by demonstrating that a maternal approach emphasizing guidance positively impacts toddler compliance.

  • In contrast, the reliance on controlling behaviors exposes children of highly acculturated mothers to higher risks of defiance, indicating the need for nuanced parenting strategies that consider cultural context.

Limitations and Recommendations

  • Future studies should address the variability in maternal behaviors beyond mere control and guidance classifications, potentially integrating emotional warmth and support indicators.

  • A broader sampling of Latino heritage could enhance the generalizability of findings, considering the diversity within cultural experiences.


  • Understanding the multifaceted roles of cultural orientation in shaping parenting practices is critical, especially for marginalized populations. The research advocates for culturally-responsive interventions aimed at supporting Puerto Rican adolescent mothers and improving child behavioral outcomes.
