Untitled Flashcards Set

How well do you know your rights? Read the following situations and answer the questions by circling “Yes”, “No” or “Maybe”.

  1. Anthony, who is 18 years old, has applied for a job as a clerk in a sporting goods store. The store manager is impressed with Anthony’s maturity and ability and says that he would like to hire him, subject to reference checks. Later, the manager calls Anthony to say that he will not be hired. On checking his references with a former employer, the manager found out that Anthony was convicted of reckless driving several times when he was younger. Has the store manager violated Anthony’s human rights by refusing to hire him?

Yes No Maybe

What area of our lives does the discrimination fall under? Employment

What are the prohibited grounds of discrimination? Record of offences

  1. Naomi and several of her friends play in a women’s hockey league at the local community center. Whenever they play, the male rink attendants never give them their full allotted ice time. The attendants cheer every time one of the young women falls and there are often pin-up pictures of women in the dressing rooms. Naomi has complained but the manager has done nothing, saying that women should “stick to figure skating” and “leave hockey to boys.” Have the rink attendants violated the young women’s human rights?

Yes No Maybe

What area of our lives does the discrimination fall under? Services, goods and facilities

What are the prohibited grounds of discrimination? Sex

  1. After years of fighting, Don’s parents are getting a divorce. Things are so tense that Don feels he must live on his own if he is to successfully complete his school year. He has been a good student and stayed out of trouble. At 16, he has qualified for social assistance and has put in an application at a rooming house near his school. The property manager refuses to rent Don a room, saying he does not rent to “welfare kids.” Has the property manager violated Don’s human rights?

Yes No Maybe

What area of our lives does the discrimination fall under? Occupancy of accommodation

What are the prohibited grounds of discrimination? Receipt of public assistance

  1.  Cassandra and several Black friends have gone to a local restaurant after school. They are laughing and carrying on like others in the restaurant. Things start to get out of hand between their group and several White students sitting at another table. Food is thrown and the groups exchange angry remarks. When the restaurant staff ask Cassandra and her friends to leave the restaurant, they feel angry and discriminated against. Has the restaurant staff violated the group’s rights?      

Yes No Maybe

What area of our lives does the discrimination fall under? Services, goods and facilities

What are the prohibited grounds of discrimination? Race

  1. A local optician’s office has an opening for a part-time receptionist.  The position requires excellent communication skills, as the person will answer customers’ telephone calls and receive patients who enter the clinic.  Michelle, who was born and raised in Quebec City, has applied for the job.  The owner does not hire her, because she feels customers may not understand Michelle because of her accent.  Has the owner violated Michelle’s human rights?

Yes No Maybe

What area of our lives does the discrimination fall under? Employment

What are the prohibited grounds of discrimination? Place or origin

  1. Last week, Maureen and her friend Sean organized a school group to raise funds for AIDS research.  Yesterday, they both found crudely drawn cartoons making fun of members of the LGBTQ2S Community on their desks.  Last night, several students shouting Homophobic comments verbally attacked them on the street opposite the schoolyard.  Their teacher saw the cartoons and has heard rumours of the verbal attack, but feels that nothing can be done because the attack took place off the school premises.  Neither student has complained to school officials.  Have the students violated Maureen and Sean’s human rights?

Yes No Maybe

What area of our lives does the discrimination fall under? Services, goods and facilities

What are the prohibited grounds of discrimination? Sexual orientation

  1. Last Saturday, Michael and his friends attended a movie theatre they had never seen before.  The theatre staff told Michael, who requires a motorized wheelchair because he has muscular dystrophy, that he would either have to transfer into a theatre seat or watch the movie from the only area available for the wheelchair – in front of the first row seats.  When he complained about this arrangement, the theatre staff told him he was entitled to the same service as everyone else – a ticket and a seat to watch the movie.  Have the movie theatre staff violated Michael’s human rights?

 Yes No Maybe

What area of our lives does the discrimination fall under? Services, goods and facilities

What are the prohibited grounds of discrimination? Handicap
