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Lymphoid Organs

Primary (central) lymphoid organs

Bone marrow

  • made up of: myeloid tissue


  • red bone marrow: hemopoietic

  • yellow bone marrow: fatty tissue

Microscopically consists of:

  • Stroma: loose reticular CT

    • fat cells, histocytes, fibroblasts, blood vessels, intracellular matrix

  • Parenchyma: hemopoietic tissue

    • precursors of all formed elements of blood


  • made up of: epithelial tissue (endoderm)

  • located: in the thoracic cavity (superior and anterior mediastinum)

Microscopically consists of:

  • Stroma:

    • capsule

    • septa (incomplete): incomplete thymic lobules

    • absent reticular network

  • Parenchyma:

    • Cortex: dark and peripheral

      • many immature T-lymphocytes

      • epithelial (nurse) cells

      • few finely-branched epithelial reticular cells

      • macrophages

    • Medulla: pale and central

      • few mature T-lymphocytes

      • many finely-branched epithelial reticular cells

      • macrophages and dendritic cells

      • Hassall’s corpuscles

Secondary (peripheral) lymphoid organs

Lymph nodes

Microscopically consists of:

  • Stroma:

    • capsule

    • septa: extend into the substance of node

    • reticular network (reticular fibers & reticular cells)

  • Parenchyma:

    • Cortex (regular compartments): superficial layer deep to capsule

      • Lymph nodules/follicles: mainly inactivated naive B cells

        • primary: without germinal center

        • secondary: with germinal center

      • Cortical lymph sinuses: vessel-like spaces containing lymph & macrophages

    • Deep cortex or Paracortical zone: ill-defined middle region

      • T-lymphocytes that do not form nodules

    • Inner medulla (irregular compartments): inner most region

      • medullary cords:

        • lymphocytes

        • macrophages

        • plasma cells

      • medullary sinuses: vessel-like spaces containing lymph & macrophages


  • Stroma:

    • capsule: surrounds the organ; thick & fibromuscular

    • septa: incomplete & extend into the substance of organ

    • reticular network (reticular fibers & reticular cells)

  • Parenchyma:

    • red pulp:

    • white pulp



Lymphoid Organs

Primary (central) lymphoid organs

Bone marrow

  • made up of: myeloid tissue


  • red bone marrow: hemopoietic

  • yellow bone marrow: fatty tissue

Microscopically consists of:

  • Stroma: loose reticular CT

    • fat cells, histocytes, fibroblasts, blood vessels, intracellular matrix

  • Parenchyma: hemopoietic tissue

    • precursors of all formed elements of blood


  • made up of: epithelial tissue (endoderm)

  • located: in the thoracic cavity (superior and anterior mediastinum)

Microscopically consists of:

  • Stroma:

    • capsule

    • septa (incomplete): incomplete thymic lobules

    • absent reticular network

  • Parenchyma:

    • Cortex: dark and peripheral

      • many immature T-lymphocytes

      • epithelial (nurse) cells

      • few finely-branched epithelial reticular cells

      • macrophages

    • Medulla: pale and central

      • few mature T-lymphocytes

      • many finely-branched epithelial reticular cells

      • macrophages and dendritic cells

      • Hassall’s corpuscles

Secondary (peripheral) lymphoid organs

Lymph nodes

Microscopically consists of:

  • Stroma:

    • capsule

    • septa: extend into the substance of node

    • reticular network (reticular fibers & reticular cells)

  • Parenchyma:

    • Cortex (regular compartments): superficial layer deep to capsule

      • Lymph nodules/follicles: mainly inactivated naive B cells

        • primary: without germinal center

        • secondary: with germinal center

      • Cortical lymph sinuses: vessel-like spaces containing lymph & macrophages

    • Deep cortex or Paracortical zone: ill-defined middle region

      • T-lymphocytes that do not form nodules

    • Inner medulla (irregular compartments): inner most region

      • medullary cords:

        • lymphocytes

        • macrophages

        • plasma cells

      • medullary sinuses: vessel-like spaces containing lymph & macrophages


  • Stroma:

    • capsule: surrounds the organ; thick & fibromuscular

    • septa: incomplete & extend into the substance of organ

    • reticular network (reticular fibers & reticular cells)

  • Parenchyma:

    • red pulp:

    • white pulp